Random Thoughts and The Differences Between Spirituality and Atheism (Prose

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Take heart in your hope, because surely only the hopeless are those who are already dead. When does one know which ground to tread? Will the sun and the moon light his path?

Should one feel guilty if he has done nothing wrong, but circumstances simply dictated that things would not work out as he would've hoped. How could he have changed things to ensure a better outcome? To ensure that everyone in the end would be happy. I think that's the problem, nobody gets any second chances and nobody gets the opportunity to go back and un-write would never should've been written. 

Here we are. Each one of us trapped in our own personal bubble. We want to reach out and merge this bubble with someone else's but in the end we are all too afraid of genuine intimacy to get anywhere close to one another.

What authority do I have to say any of this? What right do I have to lay down any of these thoughts when my experience on this Earth is so utterly limited. But consider this now, who are you? You and I together were born one day and both of us have a distant date in the future where we must take our last breath. Coincidentally you and I happen to have been born such that our paths converge. Our lives might cross and for that shared moment of the present, you and I are part of each other's existence.

Time is the only resource that we can never get back. Minerals, oil, manpower aside, time is the one constraint that defines each of our mortal lives. Everything we do is structured by time. 

Where does God come into all of this? What influence does he have over this divine creation, this fallible imaginative world where everything but reality is desired and each of us dwell within the webs of our own fantastic realities-completely separate from each other.

Is God what unites us? Can each of us through our shared voices come together and find a common being, a common ground where we all might call ourselves the same thing not as individuals but as a collective bent on doing the most good rather than the individual good through self-serving greed.

This point was once made to me and you might have heard of before. It compares and contrasts the differences between two points of view on the afterlife. The spiritual perspective, and the atheist perspective. 

If the religion is correct and there does exist something behind the aura of darkness that threatens to invade our minds at brink of death- them the spiritual being who maintained faith in the face of death benefits greatly from their spiritual reverence during their time on earth. The atheists finds that they are at a severe disadvantage in denying that which they could not prove.

If the atheist perspective is correct and nothing at all stands behind the veil of death to embrace our consciousness, then some things have changed while others remain the same. The spiritual person will still die smiling death, content and sure of the promise that life does not have to truly end. They know nothing different and can die happy and at peace with themselves. The atheist doesn't really hold any advantage or disadvantage. Yes, they were right, but does it really matter? The atheist doesn't get to take any heart in being correct because, after all, they were correct. 

So in the final outcome, if we assume an equal chance that either side is correct, we have a split outcome. The spiritual person will die contented 100% of the time and will be at an advantage 50% of the time. The atheist might die with the overwhelming mental burden of thinking that all must come to an end and fade black, and he will be at a disadvantage 50% of the time. So if we were to consider choosing a side based on reason, which would in the end appear more attractive to you?

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