"Everything Is Going To Be Alright" (Poem)

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When you hear a rustle in the leaves behind you,

And you had thought yourself alone,

When it feels as though darkest night has fallen,

And you are trapped without a light,

When it seems as though every ally has fled,

And you are surrounded by your foes,

Take heart in the steady drumbeat-

A metronome of mortal life. 

When trapped deep under the dark waters,

With lungs that ache for burning breath, 

When it seems as though all the world is alight,

And no path remains through scalding smoke,

When you feel that sudden start at falling backwards,

All the while without a prayer for a parachute,

Take time in those final seconds,

Eternity enshrined in evanescence.

When the pinprick of evil slowly spreads,

And hollows out the wholesome heart,

When all hope has dissolved into despair,

And faith flickers as a waning candle,

When you stood but alone in the wreckage,

With the shroud of death all about you,

Take trust in that immortal truth-lie,

He said, “Everything is going to be alright.”

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