Nintendo Nightmares (3)

Start from the beginning

I heard Link laugh- but it wasn't malevolent or sneering. It was as if we were friends sharing a really good joke. "Sure Chris. Anything you find, as long as you don't damage us."


"Your welcome. Now, Welcome to Three Nights at Nintendo Nightmares! Begin!"

12 am

The phone rang again. I picked it up and began to survey the rooms while the Caller began to blab about stuff.

"Ugh... My Flappy Bird keeps dying..."

I ignored him. "Good Morning to you too."


"Why do you play Flappy Bird?" I asked. "There are other cool games out there. Like Sonic. And Tetris. Or Five Nights at Freddy's."

"I don't like Sonic, and Tetris sucks."

"That's joyful..." I muttered to myself.

"What's Five Nights at Freddy's?"

Shoot. I forgot that Mike hated it when I told people about that game. "Um... It-It take place at a restaurant, and you have to survive-"

"I'm sold!" The Caller replied. "Where can I buy this game?"

That was a bit too quick for my taste. "You can get it on many platforms. One of which is Steam-"

"I'm on it!"

I face palmed. Of course the Caller would do that.

"Thanks Jeremy's girlfriend."

I jumped a bit (but that might be because I saw Bonnie outside the museum). "I'm sorry?"

"Jeremy keeps talking about you. He makes it sound like you're his girlfriend."

I shook my head. Despite the fact that Jeremy was friendly and we spent several hours talking yesterday, we were just friends. "I just met him."

"Oh, wrong person," the Caller replied. "I was thinking about my friend James, who recently got a girlfriend."

I face palmed again. "Right..."

"What was your name again?"

"Chris. Chris Schidmt."

"Chris is a guy's name."

"Not if the girl is named Christina," I muttered.


I was really tired of listening to the Caller. I was about to hang up so that I could focus on the game when the Caller interrupted my thoughts.

"Yo, Chris," the Caller asked.

"Yes?" I was worried, as Dark Pit(?) had already left the Hall of Heroes.

"For some reason, on the third night of a night guard working here, the power generator gets messed up. So be warned, as there have been many times that the power in your room went out."

I cursed. "Thanks."

"Whatever. It's not like you'll last long. Now if you excuse me, I have some Nights to survive at Freddy's." With that, I slammed the phone on the table. Stupid Caller. He didn't connect the dots, considering that Freddy's was the building right next to us, and that game was based off of Mike's experience.

A strange noise echoed in the hallway. I checked the cameras and cursed. Dark Pit was in the east hallway, and I only had 70% battery. I gripped my flashlight and started strobing it outside the door.

"Go away, Dark Pit!" I screamed.

"Gah!" Dark Pit stumbled backwards and moved away from the light. "Stop doing that!" He yelled.

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