Positive Thinking

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(Her point of view)- three months later...

It has been a few months since my Love returned home from Asgard, and I am now in my eighth month of baring our darling child. Since my King's homecoming, I have learned of all important and pleasing news of his visit. The following day of his return, we spent the entirety of the late, summer afternoon lazily sprawled out beneath our tree. Its ample shade provided perfect coolness and sufficient breezes that warded away any uncomfortable heat.

I was beyond delighted to hear how Odin so looked forward to meeting our daughter. I was entranced, lying in Loki's lap as he shared with me his elderly father's reminiscent moments. To picture the wrinkled man, young and spritly, newly married and in love with his Queen. It made my smile spread. The only distressing bit of news that my Love shared was that of possible threats of war to Asgard from Muspelheim. I shuddered at the thought of Loki and our warriors being sent off to another battle. But he assured me that Thor felt quite confident that nothing would come of their threats. I pray that the God of Thunder is right in his assumptions. For I could never make it through having Loki go and fight whilst I would be left behind. I would simply have to find a way to convince him that I could go and fight alongside him. I am half angel, after all. My powers would possibly be their greatest asset. But as soon as I mentioned this to Loki only later that same evening, he immediately turned the idea down. His reasons were thusly: I must remain here and care for our child. To which I replied that she would be in the perfectly secure hands of my mother, Kendha, and Branye. He still did not seem convinced by my swift and cunning answer. His second reason was that one of us had to remain in Medina to rule. And thirdly, he stated that in my being there in the fighting, he would become too easily distracted, worrying over me constantly. Thus, endangering himself and me both. To this, I had no sufficient response. I decided to let him have the upper hand and win that particular disagreement. But gods forbid, when and if the time ever comes, I will be putting up one hel of a fight to make it to Asgard for war. I cannot stay behind whilst my King goes off to battle. I absolutely refuse to. The fact of the matter is plain. I fear I would go utterly insane with worrying myself sick.

In the past few months, things have returned to the norm. My King and I have tended to our duties as rulers; going to meetings, on rounds, etc. All the while, relishing in exuberant joy over the many fluttering kicks of our daughter as well as her nearing arrival. Her beautiful nursery has finally been completed and looks like something out of an old Midgardian fairytale. However, I have allowed no one other than Loki to see its final product, not even Branye. If they did, it would spoil our surprise as to the fact that we are having a girl. So, we have forbade anyone to come and take even a peek until after she arrives. In fact, I have sent for the door to remain locked and have hidden the key.

Despite the fact that I have positively adored carrying my darling child, it has been with much frustration that my symptoms of nausea and vomiting have returned. Thankfully though, they are not quite as fierce as before. I grow so very tired at a much more rapid pace, and I have found that I can no longer consume as much at meal times due to it causing me great discomfort. I have begun to run fevers associated with gruesome cold chills once again. And just as before, Dr. Lomberan states that he is quite confident it is from our baby having the ability to phase into a Jotun whilst in the womb. Loki has struggled with this fact far more than he lets on, but I can see it written on his face as clear as day. Each and every time these bizarre happenings reoccur, he wears an expression of tormented guilt. But I always make an extra attempt to seem cheerful, making light of the situation. "Like Father, like daughter," I always snicker at him. Sometimes, this makes him laugh. Others, he frowns. But in all honesty, I cannot help but marvel over the fact that she already has such incredible power; even as an infant. I know that she is going to be a rare beauty. One of a kind for certain.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now