Angel of Flames

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(His point of view)

I cannot will myself to move. I can only stand, completely frozen solid as I take in her glowing form. She seems so different somehow, but still the same.

My eyes are stretched open so wide that they begin twitching. I actually have to wipe them and shake my head just a bit before looking back to her. Am I dreaming? Have I already died and gone to Valhalla? How could she be here?! How is she alive?! I held her as she drew last breath!

Then, time only barely begins pacing again as her flaming green eyes begin rapidly searching before they land on my face. I gasp from their heat, letting myself become entranced by her aura. She smiles before winking at me, causing me to gasp again, only louder. I open my mouth to speak, but there are no words. I cannot even think straight. Oh....oh my....gods.....she is....alive.....

Helblindi is quite visibly trembling beneath her firm grasp that is still clutched to his elbow. He has not budged since he turned to look back at her from over his shoulder. But suddenly, in a powerful wave of pinkish orange light, he is smashed into the ground at her feet. He groans in pain whilst rolling over onto his stomach. He buries his face into the remains of the snow, crying out in some foreign shrill of torment, but I can no longer look at him. For as my eyes move back up to her illuminated figure, I almost become lightheaded as I see enormous, snow white wings spreading out from behind her. My gods.....she truly


The thousands of surrounding men all cower in obviously deep respect beneath her heavenly presence, gawking at her in tremendous astonishment. And I, along with them. I still have not moved an inch as she has not yet let her eyes leave my face. She is smiling at me as though she has not even ever left my side. Her olive skin is unscathed, radiant in all of its glorifying beauty. Her shoulders are strong and erect, shaped perfectly beneath the shimmering silk of her royal blue gown. Her lips are no longer the color of ash but have returned to their luscious, blood red hue. No longer are they thin and cracked. They are full and healthy. Her rich brown hair hangs down to her waist, seemingly even shinier than before as it reflects the pink from her mysterious light. She is truly so different in this form, but in her eyes, I still see my dark angel. I see her there in the glimmer of her green almonds.

I cannot help but stumble back a step as she begins walking towards me. My heart is thundering viciously against my rib cage as I take in her every step. Christine..... You are....


She suddenly stops. I see her eyes quickly move and realize that she is looking over my shoulder. I struggle in turning my neck to see what it is that has caught her attention. As I force myself to do so, I see even more giants falling in line from out of the crumbling main doors of the palace. Damn it! How many goddamn monsters are there in this place? It is as if they are reproducing themselves at will!

"Damn!" I hear Thor snarl under his breath. I hear the faint rustle of footsteps drawing near me. As I turn back around, I find that she is moving again and is walking towards the growing populace of our enemy.

"No..." I choke out, finally finding my voice. I do not want her going anywhere near them. She hears my plea, thus halting in her steps as she looks back at me from over her shoulder. She grins, instantly filling me with fluttering quakes. She shakes her head as if silently willing me to stay put. Then, I watch in gut wrenching fear as she begins making her way in their direction once more. The feathers of her wings drag the ground as her bare feet barely peek out from beneath the shimmering fabric of her dress. Even in the midst of my dread and fear, I cannot help but notice how fluid in motion she is. She is so graceful that I swear she is floating on air instead of walking.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now