Battle Cry

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(His point of view)

We fall into formation, dividing by weapons as we quickly prepare to charge once again. As I look out over the body-littered field in front of us, I find myself truly feeling unafraid. I will fight to the death for Medina, doing all within my power to stay alive. But if I am slain, I will only rejoice as I am able to be with her once again. Death would be all too welcome.

I move to the front of the head line, standing at Link's side. I hear him snickering, which causes me to turn and lift a brow in his direction.

"What could possibly be funny?" I ask. He shakes his head, taking in a breath as his expression becomes pained and sorrowful.

"All of this. Never in my life had I imagined that I would be battling in Jotunheim. Never would I have imagined going through life without my sister... " he chokes off. I slam my eyes shut, trying my best to absorb the excruciating pain that stabs into my chest.

"I had hoped that I would get to live my remaining years back home in peace with Kendha and our baby. But it seems that fate has another path paved for me." I study his face.

"Who says that you are not going to live out the life you wish?" I ask, turning to face him completely. He cuts his eyes to me before letting them fall to the ground.

"We are outnumbered, Brother. There is no way that we can win this. We have not the men nor the weapons for such a victory." I almost want to glare at him for his doubt. How can he say that? After all that we have been through, after all that we have worked for? He is just going to tuck tail and run?!

"Link, you underestimate our warriors. For the number nor the count of weapons is what determines the outcome of a battle. Victory goes to those who have the most heart." He looks back at me with a minimal smile pulling at his mouth.

"Your sister has taught me to believe in the impossible, to not give in to doubt. I must have hope that we can make it through this. We must have faith in ourselves. We must remain strong for the men, for if we lose heart; so will they. We must be leaders, Link."

"And if we die? What then? The frost giants will return to Medina and take over our world. If Helblindi could commit such horrible acts upon my sister, think of what he would do to my wife and daughter. My parents. Then, once his lust for torture and blood is satisfied, he will burn the remains of our home to the ground."

"I have no doubt of this, Brother," I reply, trying to sound calm and collected. I bring a hand up and grab him by the arm. I allow my eyes to narrow as they bury into his before almost hissing my next words in confidence.

"Then let that be your ultimate force as you charge forward into this battle. Let that be the passion that strives you, that burns inside of you. We must kill these monsters so that they will never return to Medina." His pitying face lingers only for a few moments before he grins at me. My heart wrenches in agony as I see her there once again. That goddamned devilish smile. I take in a deep breath, attempting to push the pain out, but it does no good.

"You truly were born to be a King, Brother," he finally says, chuckling heartily. He suddenly surprises me by reaching up an arm and wrapping it around my shoulders whilst clutching his sword in the other.

"I will fight to the death with you, my brother. And if we must die, then it is my honor to leave this life at your side. And who knows? Perhaps Christine will throw us a welcoming party once we arrive in Valhalla." I return his embrace briefly before pulling away. I cannot help but chortle at his last statement.

"No doubt. With ungodly amounts of wine, of course." He laughs out loud at my reply, nodding in agreement. I lift up my eyes to him one final time, offering him a genuine smile.

"It is an honor to have you at my side, Link. Not only as a brother, but as a friend. Thank you." He claps me on the back before we both turn to gaze out over the bloodied field. The brilliant white of the snow allows for the ruby stains to only stand out all the more.

Daegan appears just behind my right shoulder. I can see him out of the corner of my eye.

"The men are assembled and ready for battle, Your Majesty." I turn and offer him a nod.

"Men, let's march!" he cries.

In one fluid motion, we begin moving forward. My adrenaline pulsates in a rapid rhythm with every nearing step. I can already see in the not so far off distance that the giants have also reassembled. They stand in long lines awaiting our charge. I cannot help but snarl, glowering furiously as I see Heblindi move to the front, doned in armor with his spears of ice.

As we come closer to center field, I immediately reach behind my back, unsheathing my sword. I take off in a sprint, eyes fixated on my only target. Helblindi.

My rage only grows as her image floods my mind. I allow it to linger, thus willing my anger to spread. It swallows me whole, roaring in florescent flames as I hold out my weapon in front of me. I shout her name at the top of my lungs as my mens' battle cries reach for the heavens.

Even if you kill me, Helblindi, I will make damn well sure that you suffer first.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now