Goodbye For Now

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(Her point of view)

"I am truly sorry to see you go so soon," Sif says to me as we come to a halt. I am holding Loki's hand, standing in between the two of them. I turn to allow myself to take in one final lingering gaze at the incredible city before me as we are now standing just at the edge of the Bifrost, facing back towards the palace. Its manifested glory shimmers in the morning sunlight, twinkling like the thousands of slightly still visible stars above. I sigh. I honestly would love to stay longer, but we must get back as soon as possible. Our burial ceremony for our fallen warriors is to take place this evening in the open field.

"I know, Sif. I wish we could stay longer as well, but perhaps sometime before or even shortly after the wedding, we may return and have an extended vacation. And we shall be returning regardless, as the King has named us both members of the Royal Court and wishes for us to aid in caring for Asgard upon his passing," I state, reaching for her hand. She darts her eyes down at our now clasped palms before shooting a smile that suddenly reminds me of Kendha. It is warm and filled with sisterly affection.

"I am glad to hear this. It will be nice to actually have a woman around here that can help me put these men in their place," she snickers almost playfully whilst squeezing my hand tight. I had no idea she thought so highly of me.

It makes my heart tingle in a joyful manner. But then the tingling turns to a horrible ache as I notice that many soldiers are making their way down across the bridge in our direction. Most of them have their wives and children in tow. I have to smile as I see the radiant glow of little Abriella's hair gleaming in the faint morning's sunrays as they draw nearer. She is nestled into her father's strong chest as he carries her tiny figure with her arms daintily wrapped around his neck. There is a strikingly beautiful woman at his side, cradling a small bundle of faded blue fabric. I instantly assume this to be his wife with their tiny, new infant. At least I am able to see so many men happily reunited with their loved ones. This shall definitely make it easier to bare...

My mind studies the figures walking towards us. The recent memories from this morning replay in my head.

We have actually just left from attending the burial ceremony for their own fallen soldiers. I actually surprised myself by only shedding a few tears. I successfully wiped them away before any but other than perhaps the closest bystanders could see. I attempted to do as my prince had suggested only a couple of days ago. I had to be strong for them, as did he. We stood proudly arm in arm, and at Odin's left hand as their priest of sorts gave a beautiful eulogy. Odin and Thor both spoke briefly as well before summoning the boats to be released from the shoreline. I watched in a strange manner of awe; gaping as the archers loosed their fire-laden arrows. Within seconds of their shots, one by one, each boat began to ignite rapidly, burning in orange flames. We stood and watched until the very last boat finally dropped over the edge of the horizon. As it did, my heart cringed. The last of them, gone to never return. Their weeping widows and children standing at the shoreline, clinging to each other for comfort. It was utter torture to witness such grief. I felt so horrible that this had all occurred because of me.

I know deep down that this is not the case. It was Helblindi's doing. But I could not help but still feel as though I was partly to blame. The pain that filled my heart from the sight of their mourning was sickening. And these were not even my real people. I could not fight the rising dread as yet another unsettling thought crept into my mind. How will I ever keep my composure through the ceremony back home? I must find a way to stay strong for my people. I cannot break down. At least not in their presence. I must keep a strong hold on myself until I am safely concealed away from everyone.

I am distracted by my troubling thoughts as I see Odin and Thor as well as The Warriors Three moving to the head of the enormous crowd that has collected in front of me. No doubt in order to come see us off.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang