An Offer

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(His point of view)

We have just entered in through the main archway of the palace. The immaculate hallway lies before us, stretched out as far as the eye can see. I feel her tighten her arm on mine as she gasps from the sight. I cannot help but smile at her awestruck state.

It truly feels amazing to have her walking down this hallway at my side. Especially since upon my last visit here, I was not certain that she would ever get to experience any of this.

We finally arrive at what I know all too well are the main throne room doors. I allow my eyes to linger on her flawless face as she observes their formal gold in marveling wonder. Thor releases her other hand before stepping ahead of us.

"Wait here," he says. "I shall go in and announce you to Father."

We both nod before she leans her head back over to rest upon my shoulder. As she does, I reach up and remove the hood of her cloak so as to allow her beautiful, long locks to shine beneath the palace light. Her crown shimmers like the Terina Ocean at sunset, incredibly enhancing her already magical aura. I kiss her forehead before gazing over towards the hundreds of soldiers that have collected just behind us. They look more than relieved to finally be back in their home land. I find myself hoping that this does not take too long so that they are released to return to their own families.

"I do hope that your Father approves of me," her suddenly timid voice barely breathes. I jerk my head down in her direction, stunned.

"What?" I ask in bafflement. She lifts up her head before turning to gaze into my eyes. She looks so perfectly pure, glowing in all her angelic light. Is she insane?!

"How could he NOT approve of you, Christine? Look at you!"

Her porcelain cheeks instantly blush my favorite rose shade. She averts her eyes down to my hand that has just taken hold of her own. I bring it up to my lips, lingering as I whisper against it.

"He will love you, my angel."

Her nervous smile seems to fade slightly, but I can still detect a flicker of anxiety there.

"I only wish that my Mother were alive to see this day," I whisper. "She would have been absolutely head over heels for you."

She covers her mouth, quietly laughing into her palm.

"I wish that, too," she replies. "From all that you have told me of her, she seemed like a most remarkable woman." Her eyes slowly move back up to mine. I sigh, fighting the sudden rising sorrow from my dearest Mother's absence. She reaches up a dear hand and cups my face.

"You must not dwell on her death, My Love. She can still see us, even in Valhalla. Just as Rehema or Adrielle can. Even Byleistr. I feel very strongly that she would have not appeared to you in your dreams if it were not so." I nod, swallowing in slight discomfort.

"Rehema did seem awfully fond of her in my dream," I reply chuckling. Her hand releases my face before she returns it to mine. She giggles along with me, weaving her delicate but sure fingers through my own.

"I am honored that your Mother was caring for the image of our child in our stead. I only wish that I could have seen her as you did. I wish more than anything that I could have seen our daughter."

I feel my smile widening upon taking in her twinkling green almonds.

"All in good time, my angel. All in good time."


(Her point of view)

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें