Hardened Heart

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(Her point of view)

"He will kill me, but I cannot let you go."

His words send a wave of shock down my spine. I stiffen uncomfortably as I feel his lips part against the skin of my neck. His warm breath wafts across my collar bone. Then, I feel his mouth press into me, sending for my stomach to churn with gut-wrenching nausea. Oh my gods! He is kissing me!

I feel his hands move to my arms before he wraps his long fingers around my bicep muscles. They dig into my skin, instantly sending for me to wince from the painful pressure.

"Daegan, you are hurting me! LET GO!" I immediately ball my hands into fists as I move them to press into his chest. But as I do, I feel his unwavering hold on me tighten all the more.

"Daegan, what-" But I am silenced as he grabs the back of my head with one of his hands before crashing his lips into mine. What the?!

In that moment, I am suddenly so filled with anger that my mind goes blank. The unfamiliar and foreign taste of his mouth sends for my insides to cringe. I can focus on nothing but the fact that he is kissing me. He is stabbing his King in the back, even after heeding my Love's warning. Son of a bitch!

I shove against his chest, using my wings as leverage to finally release myself away from him. As I do, I immediately reach out and slap him hard across his tear-stained cheek. But his sorrow no longer bares me hence. I am far too enraged to let even his most crippling look of agony affect me.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" I scream. His eyes widen, brimming with more tears.

"You son of a bitch! How could you?!" I swing my arm again, slapping him across the same cheek as before.

"After all that Loki has done for you! After all that he has forgiven you for! THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIS LENIENCY?!" He cowers beneath my acidic tone, but he still raises a hand out in my direction as though he is reaching for me. I back away, gawking at him in disbelief.

"Christine, please. I...I am sorry....." I feel the muscles in my back spasm as his insipid words fly out in a mad flutter.

"YES, YOU SHOULD BE!" I am positively snarling as I glower at him.

"And here I thought that you had changed! I thought that you were no longer that man who longed for his own pleasures. Your arrogant, selfish manner has not altered in the slightest, has it?!" He flinches upon hearing my biting words.

"I am through with apologies! And I am through with your pathetic hold on me! You are no longer anything to me! Not a brother, not even a friend! I DO NOT LOVE YOU, DAEGAN! I NEVER WILL!" He opens his mouth as though he is going to scream, but no sound comes out.

"How could you be so inconsiderate, so disrespectful?!"

He takes on an expression that wills me to believe that he might collapse at any moment. I know that he is suffering from his painful love for me, but this....this is too much. Loki has given him more than enough chances to prove that he would not betray him. And time and time again, he continues to take advantage of Loki's willingness to forgive him. Because, Loki loves him as much of a brother as Thor or Link. And he cannot find it within his heart to execute him or cause him more pain. At least, not until he finds out about this....

This might be the single act that sends my King over the edge. I am almost too certain of this, but I find myself no longer caring what he chooses to do with this traitor.

"I felt completely sorry for you until you made that horrid move, Daegan." He hangs his head in shame before running a trembling hand through his messy hair.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz