Beginning Again

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(His point of view)- Two days later....

The ceremony for our fallen warriors actually went far more smoothly than I anticipated. My beloved wept, of course, but stood proudly as a beacon of light for all to see. She never faltered, standing strong and true in her majestic and angelic form at her Father's right hand. I protectively stood by her, keeping an arm securely wrapped around her waist at all times. As the royal priest spoke his eulogy, the sounds of sober whimpering and grief flooded my ears. But by some miracle, I remained tearless somehow. Once it was finished, the men's bodies were carefully buried just inside the royal temple's cemetery gates. I had not even realized until then that there was even a burial ground behind its towering stone walls. It was rather large in size, filled with hundreds of tombstones of old. Christine informed me that only warriors and royal court members' bodies lay there. As for the royal family, they are always buried inside the temple itself, deep within the walls. I found it quite overwhelming and surreal to think that one day, my body would finally lay at rest there alongside hers. Even in death, we shall never be parted. Our bodies will one day rest side by side as our souls rejoin once more in Valhalla. I took great comfort in knowing that, no matter where my physical being might be, I shall always be with her in spirit. In this life and the next.

Following the ceremony, we returned to the palace for dinner. My Beloved remained held together throughout the meal, but I could tell that she was struggling. It did not help matters that she was so upset with her Mother. But the Queen remained completely silent throughout dinner, looking in no one's direction. She seemed to be cowering away into her own little corner, making no effort to even attempt in starting a conversation as her usual self has in the past. I suspected that she was feeling greatly ashamed and remorseful for her actions. Her words toward Christine were utterly horrific. I still have no idea what in the hel she was thinking that sent for her to say such things. But I had to admit it was quite pleasing seeing her looking so distressed at the dinner table. It served her right for what she had done. And, no doubt, the King gave her what for upon Christine and me exiting the veranda. I only wish that I could have been there to hear it.

Throughout the evening, my Beloved never once attempted to speak to her. She only engaged in on conversation with Link, Kendha, Daegan, and myself. And even then, she said very little. I knew it was because she was focusing all of her energy on remaining composed in public.

As soon as dinner was finished, she did not even linger for dessert. She politely excused herself, stating that she was immensely tired from her journey. I went along with her, escorting her speechless form back to her chambers.

Upon entering through her doors and pulling them closed, she fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I expected this, for even as well as she had hidden her true pain during the ceremony and throughout our meal, I also knew that she could only keep it in for so long. I immediately lifted her from the ground and carried her over to her bed. The only sounds that emitted from her were that of her mournful cries until she wept herself to sleep in my arms.

The following morning, her slight stirring woke me gently. She remained in the exact same position she had fallen asleep in, splayed out over my chest. Seeing as it was a Saturday and we had no duties to fulfill, I quickly decided to take advantage of this. As soon as Branye appeared, I kindly asked for her to draw a nice bath for my angel and send for some breakfast and the fruity drink that I knew Christine loved so much. I could not remember what Link had called it, but the dear maid giggled at me before whispering that it was called Mimosa. She scurried off, seeming only too happy to assist in caring for her cherished Princess once more. I did not wish to awaken her from her slumber as I knew that she needed her rest. Afterall, the past many weeks had been truly exhausting for her. But as soon as Branye reappeared from running the bath water, my Love lazily lifted her head up from my chest and glanced about the room. As her eyes met mine, I could easily see how swollen and red they had become from her weeping. I asked her if she would like a bath, to which she quickly nodded with a sleepy smile.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now