Where I Belong

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*This chapter contains strong, sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

(Her point of view)

I am begging like I never have before as I plead for him to take me. As soon as the words leave the barrier of my lips, I watch as his eyes widen for a split second. Then, his mouth assaults mine in the most aesthetic manner. I close my eyes, losing myself in his superb taste. In the feel of his hands as they continue their affectionate taunting on my breasts, in the imploring tones of his moaning. I allow my hands to slide down from the back of his neck to his hips. I slowly drag them over to the hem of his pants and begin fondling with the buttons. I undo them before sliding my fingertips underneath the leathery fabric. His breathing catches as I begin pulling, lowering them down until his shapely backside is exposed. I reach around and graze the soft skin before digging my fingers into his flesh. He releases my breasts before wrapping his arms around me once more. Then, he rolls me over so that I am on top once again. I take this as my opportunity to slide his pants completely down his legs, removing his boots along with them. As soon as I have tossed them over towards the heap of fabric that is my gown, I lean back into him on all fours, licking my lips in anticipation as his enormous erection is now sprung free. I hover over him, allowing my hands to slide up the length of his long legs. He flies up in a sitting position, grabbing my arms and flinging me forward. In a matter of moments, he has rolled us over so that he is back on top of me. Before I can even think clearly, he takes my legs in his hands and forces them up to wrap around his waist. He sinks down closer to me, his eyes flickering with passion and hunger. Love and need.

His lips are barely parted. I can hear his labored breathing moving in and out between them as they inch in closer to my own. One of his hands traces its way up my stomach and over my breast. My breathing hitches in my throat as it wistfully grazes my peaked nipple. He finally takes a hold of my face, hovering over me so wondrously.

"Christine," he whispers. I bring my hands up and wrap them around his torso, tightening the grip of my legs.

"Say that you love me," he pleads. I pull him closer in to me, allowing my eyes to sink into his.

"I love you, Loki. I love you so much." He closes his eyes at the sound of my words. I am so moved by the emotion that is written on his face. I swallow, choking back my overwhelming tears. His lips finally meet back with mine. They part, allowing for his cool tongue to encompass my own. He moans into my mouth, moving so intimately with his kiss that butterflies begin fluttering within my stomach.

"Say it again," he whispers in between each stroke of our tongues. "Say that you love me."

I bring my hands up from his back to his face, holding him to me. I allow my eyes to burn even deeper. I feel a single tear finally fall down the side of my cheek. He reaches for it and wipes it away with a deep look of moving compassion glazed across his face.

"Please do not cry, my love," he breathes, brushing the pad of this thumb over my lips. 

"I..." I can hardly manage to speak as the weight of my love for him presses down on my chest. I pull away from his mouth, crumbling beneath this indescribable moment.

"I cannot help it," I finally whisper.

"I wish...." I pause, allowing my eyes to fall down to the locket that dangles from his neck. But he tugs at my chin, willing my gaze to return to him.

"What do you wish?" he asks before kissing the tip of my nose. I bite the inside of my cheek, fighting back my sobs.

"I wish that I had the power to show you how much that I love you, Loki." His eyes smolder beneath my response. A faint hint of a smile surfaces at the corner of his mouth before he shakes his head at me.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя