"Where Will You Go?"

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(Her point of view)

I open my eyes, finding that the sun has yet to rise. Only the faint gray of dawn is present as it paints across the winter skies. I blink a few times before finding that Branye is asleep. She is laying on the side of the bed with her head resting over her folded arms. Thank Gods she came....

I suddenly remember someone else. Daegan! Where is he? Did he return to his own chambers?

My eyes scan the room, searching to see if anyone else is present. And as my gaze moves over towards the fireplace, I see another figure slouched over, slumbering in the chair just to the right of the mantle. At first, I cannot make out who it is. For a moment, I think that it might be Link. But then, as my vision clears further, I see the overgrown shadow of a beard lingering upon the man's face. Daegan......

He returned. He came back to watch over me, just as he promised Loki that he would....

My heart splits in two upon remembering the horrific events from only hours ago. How could he have done this to me?! What is even more unsettling is the fact that I dreamed he would do it! Almost as if my subconscious was warning me of his betrayal.

I immediately feel the threatening burn of tears as they form within my tired eyes. Loki, how could you do this? After ALL that we have been through, after all that we have done for each other? How could you give in to such a thing? After all of the promises you made to never hurt me again....after pledging your loyalty to me before the Gods and all of Medina?! You spat in my face as if I were no more than a stray dog infested with disease. Do I truly mean so little to you now? Now that you have what you want? An angel as your Queen, a throne.....and a crown. A world at your feet.....

I shake my head, fighting these nightmarish thoughts. No, Christine. Loki is a changed man. He would never have used you for such things. He would never do that to you. Despite recent events, he DOES love you; and you KNOW it. Don't you dare start doubting him. You are his wife. You owe it to him to at least hear him out. He would do the same for you.

I swallow the harsh tightness forming within my throat. It burns immediately, feeling raw and scratched. No doubt from the relentless vomiting. I stretch out my legs, groaning from the stiffness. My stomach muscles are so sore. Again, obviously from the merciless wrenching as I vomited over and over again.

Branye does not budge as I finally sit up and carefully slide out of the bed on the opposite side of her. I quietly tip toe to my bathing chambers before closing the doors behind me. I move to stand in front of my mirror and eye my pale and sickly complexion. Gods, I look horrible....but at least the fever is gone.

My cheeks have ceased in wearing the red shade of temperature. I honestly feel much better now. Much, much better. My head is not spinning, nor are my insides a jittery mess of nerves. My stomach is settled and other than its soreness from wrenching, it feels completely normal. My hair is messy and matted. Random strands are stuck to my forehead, obviously having dried against my skin from the sweat of fever. I look....dirty.

I head for the tub and turn the faucet so as to allow steaming water to fill it up. I add some rose oil before removing my damp nightgown. Then, I quickly retract my wings into the muscles of my back before I step into the soothing liquid. I cannot help but hum with satisfaction as I sink down into its comforting distraction. I close my eyes, leaning back against the edge. The soft bubbles kiss my sensitive skin, further distracting my mind from the awful memories and thoughts that attempt to resurface in my head. I sit for some time, before washing my body and my hair. After one final, good rinse off, I remove myself from the tranquility of the waters and dry off. It is amazing how much better something as simple as a bath can make your body feel. Despite knowing that I am to face quite the unpredictable conversation with my husband very soon, I feel better now having been cleaned up. I do not know how he is going to behave, nor am I aware of how I will act. I honestly think that I am still in a state of shock. My bewildered mind has yet to truly be able to comprehend what I saw, but I honestly do not want to try to understand it. Even if it only bring more pain along with it. Gods, Loki.....what were you thinking?!

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now