Only Temporary

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(His point of view)

"We should have accepted your Father's offer when we has the chance. We should have just stayed in Asgard. Perhaps there, I would not have such unfeeling presumptions thrown in my face." What?!

"Christine, you don't mean that." I look down at her, finding that she is still looking in the direction of her doors as her head remains resting over my chest.

"You are just upset, Love. You say that, but I know you could never leave Medina. You love your people far too much. And despite your Mother's ignorant and idiotic assumptions, you love her and your family."

She shivers against me, sniffling into my tunic.

"Could you honestly leave this all behind?" I ask, reaching for her face. She raises her head from my chest, gazing up at me with tear stained cheeks. Even in such a moment of sadness, she looks so beautiful.

"I..." She pauses for a brief moment before letting out a troubled sigh. I grin at her, curling my fingers around her chin.

"You and I both know that running away does not make your problems disappear," I state gently.

"Even if we were to leave, they would still be here waiting for you when you came back. Is it not best to remain here and allow yourself time to heal?" She frowns at my question. As she lowers her eyes from mine, I see them move to the locket around my neck.

"Freedom from fear," she whispers. There is a brief moment of silence as I lie and study the curious majesty of her face.

"Tell me what you are thinking, Christine." She sighs once again before bringing her head down to rest over my heart.

"I cannot believe that my own Mother would say something so incredibly harsh, and in front of others no less." I tighten my hold on her, feeling helpless.

"How could she have been so insensitive? I mean, I know that she can come across as a little dimwitted, but she is actually rather intelligent. You would think that she would be a little kinder and more choosey with her words, especially at a time like this. A time when we have just returned from battle and are still grieving for those who were slain. Has she truly allowed her position as Queen to harden herself so?" I heave out a breath of air, pondering her reply.

"Perhaps she really is ignorant to certain things," I suggest.

"What do you mean?" She asks, still sniffling.

"I mean, perhaps she does not understand because it is just as you said. She has never been in battle. She has never seen firsthand the horrid scenes of war and all of the blood and tears that go along with it. Maybe she has forgotten what it was like to be locked up in that cell all those years ago whilst Sethos reigned." Her head flies up from my chest, staring at me in shock.

"Are you defending her?" She slightly hisses. I take her face in my hand, shaking my head.

"By no means, my love. I will never side with anyone who causes you distress, and I am very much outraged at your Mother at the moment." Her tensed shoulders relax immediately, so I take this as my granted permission to continue explaining my reasoning.

"I am just simply stating that you might have been right. She acted as such because she truly does not understand the pain that you have faced in the past or that you are going through now. And she never will, nor shall anyone else. I, myself, cannot even fathom the dark threats that have lashed at your heart or that have permanently scarred your soul." My own heart twists uncomfortably within my chest, causing me to only yearn to comfort her more.

"Do you remember what you once told me?" I ask, allowing my eyes to burn into her green almonds. She stares back at me, biting her bottom lip to attempt in stifling its quivering.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora