author's note (IMPORTANT AF)

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Sorry if you were expecting this book to be all pro black and about how being black is horrible and racism and things like that.

But it seems like all the books on here are about that, or a book like The gang master is having my baby.

Yes, we black people face terrible things and yes, lots of bad things happen to us because of our skin colour but I wanted to write this showing that a black girl can have a normal drama filled teenage life.

It's not only Katie or Rebecca (not saying those are only white girl names it's just those are basic wattpad white girl names *sigh*) that can have normal lives, with boys and high school and parties.



*loyal by Chris brown starts playing*

you thought it was over, HA

hey guys, I just firstly want to say, thank you so much for everything this has been so amazing, and I'm so happy with all the positive feedback and everything, the love is too much

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hey guys, I just firstly want to say, thank you so much for everything this has been so amazing, and I'm so happy with all the positive feedback and everything, the love is too much

This has been absolutely CRAZYYY, I legit didn't plan to write this book it was just spontaneous one evening, and I just wrote it for no reason idk.

So, guess what?

Imma just break it to you, there's a THE BLACK GIRL (#2)

Yes, a sequel 😊 *cheering*

I have loads of ideas and it's legit about to go down guys, like for real.

You don't have to read it, cause this one was terrible and the writing and grammar check weren't the best.


Really 😊😊😊😊😊😊 I promise.

I'm going to post a preview of the sequel tonight, but I won't be starting the actual book till


As you recall I have a really important exam, so I'm just going to type a lot of chapters and post them slowly so I'll need a bit of time 🤔

But who da f knows since I'm constantly changing my mind, I could even start the book tomorrow.

But it will be uploaded tonight and you can add it to your library, so you don't miss any updates from me.

Lots of love, (I'm rubbish)
Lauryn ❤️

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