sixty six

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Someone commented that Lane's pull out game is weak af LOOOL 😂😂

At the hospital, I see Alex and ask what the doctors are doing to Gabi.

He says things like fractured rib cage, skull split open, blood loss and lots of things but I zone out when I see Laura and Dani.

How can they just stand there talking to Lane as if nothing had happened?

There's no sight of Abbie which I'm happy for, and they don't even throw small glances at me, not that I'd want them to, but they just stand there like they're oblivious to my existence.

I don't let their presence affect me, even when they come close by and they all talk to Alex in a small circle.

Myself included in that circle, may I add.

Alex advises I go home when it's almost four and I see Alex's mum, as well as Gabi and Dani's parents talking to doctors and comforting each other.

I drive myself home eventually at five o'clock. And my eyes refuse to stay open, but I make it.

Lane's words ring in my head the entire drive back.

I couldn't be pregnant. It's been two weeks, how does one even know they're pregnant in less than fourteen days?

Are there tests for that?


I park my car on a random road on pull my phone out even though the battery's about to die.

I type into the Google search bar, earliest pregnancy test.

A bunch of articles come up, but Google types something about there being a pregnancy test that can tell you four to seven days after contraception.

"I'm not pregnant!" I throw my phone onto the seat beside me and continue driving.

A raccoon runs across the road, and I quickly hit the brakes letting out a huge sigh of relief.

When I get home, I don't bother unpacking.

I decide I'll go to school tomorrow, since it's the last day before the winter break. I'll say bye to all my imaginary friends and we'll hug and say Merry Christmas to each other.

I hiss at the thought, and change into an old pair of leggings and and keep my tank top on, tying my fuzzy bathrobe over the mix.

I only have three hours till I have to be ready, but I don't even feel sleepy.

I go bring out my bigger suitcase and start packing for my trip to London.

I start to wonder the method of killing my parents would use on me if they found out what I'd been up to in the past month.

The Black Girl حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن