twenty one

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Thank you to my amazing friend caesium- for my amazing cover! :)

During lunch, Kim suggested I go back home to get money to so we'd go buy dresses later on for the ball on Friday, and I told her not to worry as I had my debit card.

After school, Kim took us to a boutique on the outskirts of town, and she invited one of her friends from Spanish class, Gabriella, who drove us there. I loved her car, it was a deep green jeep and we got to play loads of music. While Kimberly decided that she wanted to stay in the back and lie down because her math exam stressed her out, Gabriella drove while I was in charge of the song choice.

"No, actually Lola can you play Hotline Bling?" Kim lay flat on her back in the backseat while playing a game on her phone.

I being tired of the song complained and Gabriella backed me up, "That song is so overplayed," she sighs rolling her eyes while turning onto a narrow road, where the boutique was.

Mannequins dressed in beautiful dresses filled the room and I stared. Each dress had its own set of jewels and sparkle, some lace, some black and some white, and at the far end of the room were curtains and a mirror that covered the entire wall.

Kim did all the talking to the counter lady while Gabriella and I made small talk and she preferred to be addressed as Gabbie, or Gabby, not sure of the spelling, I decide to ask and she replies, G-A-B-I.

Soon enough a gorgeous middle aged woman comes from behind the curtain and embraces Kim in a warm hug and the two exchange greetings, turns out the lady who owns the store is her older cousin.

Gabi decides to try on dresses first while Kim and I sit on the cushions waiting for her to come out and show us each one before finally finding a perfect one. Personally, I think the idea of finding a perfect dress if a bit farfetched but Kim shushes me, telling me it's possible.

Gabi comes out in a very light blue strapless dress, with glitter that starts from the top and soon begins to fade as it passes the waist of the dress, and even with no makeup and her hair held up messily she still manages to look nice and I sigh in awe, "Gabi, you look perfect, I think this is the one," I smile telling her, while looking over at Kim for her 'approval'.

"Lola's right, this is the one," Kim claps her hands very quickly and smiles in excitement, but soon asks what Gabi thinks of it.

"Yeah, I really want this one," She lets go of her thick brown hair and it falls on her shoulder, while she uses her hands to straighten the dress from the waist down, staring at her reflection.

Her dress is placed on a hanger and kept on the cushion beside her under a garment bag, and Kim soon starts to choose dresses.

I regret not going before Kim because it's past five, we left school at three and Gabi only spent twenty minutes which means, all the time Kim's spent is a total of a really long time.

"It's not my fault, I have to find the perfect one," Kim sighs, as she holds up her hair while I help zips up the seventh dress. Kim soon decides that this isn't 'the one' and points to a mannequin saying that's the one she wants. Gabi doesn't seem to mind and just laughs as I complain, telling Kim that the store closes at six.

She soon reminds me that her cousin owns the store and will stay open late for her and I sigh, again.

The eleventh dress Kim tries on looks flawless. The white dress has thin straps and sags a bit, but soon becomes tight again at the waist, and is covered in thin gold beads.

"Are you sure? I really love it, but it won't hurt to try-" She starts but Gabi and I soon cut her off.

"No," We both say firmly before bursting into laughter.

It doesn't take much time for me to find my dress, because I saw it immediately I walked in.

Hey guys 💕 It's not about to go all Carrie at the dance so hold your horses okay, I'm actually introducing a new character, I was going to name him Liam, but too many Ls for all the main characters, so any suggestions?

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