twenty nine

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Follow my second account please :) aderera

Kim doesn't say much. She pushes past the girls and walks into the house as if she owns the place. Another reason to love Kimberly.

Danielle, Laura and Abbie are all dressed in different coloured sweatpants, grey, grey and black, and Danielle is dressed in a black long sleeve sweater while Abbie and Laura are both in hoodies.

No matter how down dressed they are, heaps of makeup and false eyelashes still are on their faces, and their look like those girls who do really nice makeup on Instagram.

I didn't even realise I was dressed exactly like them until Gabi and I pass the giant mirror that covers the wall in the hallway.

I stare at my appearance and I look almost as drained as Kim. My sweats sag low on my waist almost to the line of my underwear and my crop adidas sweatshirt reveals the little abs I have from being a very skinny size zero.

Even though it's winter I don't feel very cold, thanks to the heat blowing from the vents.

My hair looks messy and I tuck some strands into my band as Gabi leads me up the stairs.

Gabi's room is bigger than my house.

Okay. Slight exaggeration. But her room is very big. It's massive. It's divided into two parts without a door like a hotel suite, and has a little indoor balcony with a study, where you can look down into her bedroom.

The room has a huge flat TV screen and a projector hangs above her king sized bed.

Her windows are double height and are covered by deep red drapes and Kim is lying right in the middle of Gabi's bed when we get there.

The second part of the suite like bedroom is actually a closet and is closed by a remote that Gabi can't seem to find so it remains open.

The closet has heaps of clothes that don't really seem to fit her innocent, kind yet tomboy personality. I sigh as I hold up a little black dress that looks like a thong.

"These are your clothes...?" I force a smile until my face making sure she knows what I'm thinking.

"They're Dani's." She laughs, taking the hint, and explains that even though Danielle's room is bigger and has more closet space, she still doesn't have enough space for her clothes so she also uses Gabi's closet.

"How many clothes does she have?" I laugh as I brush my hands against the fabrics as I walk around the circular room, before I spot a wall that is filled with shelves of high heeled shoes.

Shoes with red bottoms.

"Louboutins!" I gasp as I run over and pick a random heel from there. I look over at Gabi as she laughs as me. "You probably think I'm poor," I tell her laughing along.

She declines what I'm implying and laughs telling me she's just finding my reactions amusing and I don't take any offence.

We spend the rest of the afternoon both cuddle up on opposite sides of Kim while she snores and decide on watching Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, eating the ice cream and cupcakes one of Gabi's house maids brings us.

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