BuckyxReader➳I Got Rhythm

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Words: 734

Warnings: Super cute

A/N: Make sure to look at the GIF ;) along with the song!

You'd been invited to one of Tony's parties when you got the call that Natasha would be picking you up late. You'd never been to a classy party before so you were extremely nervous. Making a late entrance these days only seemed to be fashionable for the great Tony Stark.

'Wow-' She breathed out when you walked out of your house to meet her.

You sat in the passenger's seat and fiddled nervously with your bracelet.

'Buck won't be able to keep his hands off you.' She said after a moment.

You blushed a deep red and looked out of the window to try and hide it. You and Bucky had been chatting for a while now and over the past few weeks, you'd both ended up  falling in love with one another.

'I bet Steve is trying to get him to tell his feeling for you.' Nat continued.

You merely laughed nervously before she pulled up to the venue, gave the valet boy her keys and you both got out of the car.

'About time-' Tony said walking over to you both from across the room.

He gave you a hug and kiss on each cheek before leading you to the rest of the group. Looking around nervously, trying to act natural, you caught Bucky's eye. You blushed as he meekly smiled before Tony grabbed Pepper's hand and lead her to the dance floor.

'Everyone dance or I'll make you go out with Hammer.' He said mainly towards you.

You rubbed the back of your neck nervously and sat at the bar before someone sat next to you.

'You want to go out with Hammer or something?' They joked.

You looked over and saw Bucky smirking at you over the rim of his glass. You blushed before laughing lightly.

'I don't have a partner to dance with so I'm hoping Tony drinks too much to remember his deal.' You joked back.

Bucky took a deep breath before nervously laughing.

'What if we-' He began before you felt your heart flutter.

'-dance.' He finished as his cheeks turned a rosy red colour that added to his returning boyish features.

You nodded happily, but not too enthusiastically, showing him you accepted his offer. He set down his glass and took your hand, pulling you from the bar stool you were perched. A slow song began playing and he nervously rested his hand on your waist before taking your own hand in his metal one.

'I-I'm not a very good dancer.' You finally admitted as you placed your hand on his shoulder.

He smiled down at you before confessing something himself.

'I've always been more of a fast pace dancer, swing was big in the 40's.'

You laughed lightly before the record came to sudden halt.

'We've got a request.' The DJ said before changing the track.

You awkwardly took your hands away from Bucky before seeing a flash of red hair running away from the DJ booth; Natasha. The song that started playing brought a wide smile to Bucky's face; I Got Rhythm by Ethel Waters. He stuck his hand towards you and you giggled before taking it. He pressed a kiss to it before leading you to the middle of the now clearing floor.

'It's your time to shine.' You said when everyone noticed he seemed to be the only one who knew how to dance to a song like this.

'It's our time to shine.' He corrected.

The next thing you knew Bucky was waltzing you around the floor, both of you giggling hysterically as others joined you both. You laughed madly as he spun you around continuously until you stumbled back into his embrace and he danced you around with a wide smile on his face. When the song finally ended you both gained claps from the rest of the crowd.

'Now, you've got rhythm but have you got your man?' He asked using the lyrics of the song against you.

You blushed as you glanced at the ground and he raised his brows; all while holding his famous grin from the 40's.

'I do now.' You replied kissing his cheek before pulling him back to the dance floor to dance more.

You spent the night dancing around with him and the party ended up becoming an old school dance party. No one could have been happier than you and your man; Bucky Barnes.

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