Lloyd P.O.V

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8 months later
It's my Beta Gabe's birthday. He wanted something laid back so we are at my mom's and his dad's place. Imagine our shock when we found out they were second chance mates. Imagine the horror when we were told how they found out they were mates. The woman thought it was so romantic. Gabe and I could have thrown the fuck up. I'm happy for them. They both had been handed some bullshit ass mates. Carl really helped her heal after I killed that bastard. I'm still not talking to her. I give her a hello and goodbye but I'm not ready to move past it with her. Sarai has relationship with her. She also lets her see my two month old pup Dallas. They will be having their triplets in two months. They both are as happy as I've ever seen them. The pack is growing. The whole Alpha team has pups or are expecting. Sarai just found out she's pregnant again. I'm not complaining. I love seeing my mate grow our pups. She just finished feeding Dallas and bringing him over here to me.
"It's your turn daddy." She says handing me my little boy.
He's my identical. He stares at me in wonder. I love my little alpha. I lean down and kiss my mate.
"You know you call me daddy too right." I say
"I call you a lot of things. Asshole is my new favorite." She says.
I laugh.
"I love you babe." I say
"I know." She winks.
Aria brings the twins over to Gabe.Jessica brings Caden his little boy. Bryce is holding his little boy and rubbing his mates belly.
"Looks like Daddy Daycare over here." The old gamma David says.
The woman laugh and walk into the house.
The old Alpha team brings us beers and we sit while the woman prep for the grill.
"How do you feel old man you about to have triplets? And you have grandpups running around." Gabe ask his dad.
We laugh.
"It feels good." He says
"Something tells me y'all are going to be popping out a lot of babies. You know she kept losing her pups by that bastard." David says.
"I see it as a sign from the goddess." I say
"Agreed." They all say.
"I'll definitely keep her filled with pups. The woman can go and she feels so damn good. I don't know what the fucker was thinking." Carl says.
Gabe and I gagged in horror.
"I would really love to enjoy my meal old man. That is an image that will ruin it." I say
They laugh.
"You know you should really talk to your mother Lloyd. She was young and hurting. She was in love with a bastard. She's truly sorry for her mistakes. She loves you." Carl says.
I sigh. I know I should. I talk to Carl all the time. I just can't seem to face her.
"For what it's worth the way that man was she probably really was doing all she could. He was a cruel evil person." David says.
"I'll talk to her. Just not today. I want to enjoy today." I say.
They nod.
"We are truly proud of you boys. Y'all have turned this pack around tremendously. You have achieved in 8 months what that man couldn't do in his entire reign."David tells us.
"We couldn't do it without y'all. Thank y'all for still being around. Helping out when we need time with our family." I tell them.
The ladies bring out the food for Carl and David to start grilling.
I look down at my son.
Everything I'm doing is for you my future alpha.

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