Jennas POV

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Everything is packed up. We are leaving. Today was a good emotional day for me. After that run I felt at peace and happy with my decision. I'm going to miss my family but this move is what's best for us.

Zola my wolf says she worried about Will and Hawk.
'Will is going to fine Zola'
'Something just doesn't feel right like he's going to get hurt and we won't be here to pick up the pieces. He's one of our best friends Jenna I need to know he's going to be fine.'
'Ok Zola'

'Can you connect Hawk to Zola please she won't settle until she knows that y'all will both be ok while we are gone.'
'Sure we will miss y'all you've always been apart of us Jenny but I know you are doing what's best for you'
'I know get Hawk to tell her'
Hawk joins and I push Zola to the front
'Hawk are you genuinely ok with this'
' No I'm not Zola I want y'all to stay here so I can protect you like I promised Zeus and Luck'
'I need to be there for my pups Hawk but I need for you to be Ok'
'I know and that's why I'm letting you go I don't have to like it but I accept it'
'Protect yourself and that ass hole Will Hawk or I will run Jenny ass back here and cause hell in your territory.'
Hawk laughs, 'I know you will Zo. I need you to be safe and call every chance you get.'
'I will Hawk. I love you my dearest friend.'
'I love you more. Be safe.'
Will laughs.
'Them two has always aggravated me when together' I say
'Yeah since pups they have been inseparable pains. But you are our oldest friend. Since the womb actually so it's understandable.'
'I'm gone miss you Champ. You better call and visit us asshole or I will let Zo calls hello just because.'
He chuckles. 'I'm gone miss you too and I love you Dottie. Call me when you get there.'
'Ok love you.'
We cut the link.
'Are you ok now Zo'
'Somewhat I'm just gone miss my friend.'
'Me too.'
At the pack gate we are stopped by the guards. All 5 boys with us jump out the car. And I got a feeling this is about to be a shit show.
Hannah is nervous watching her mate who is pissed.
I notice all 5 boys are very pissed off.

"Why are you stopping us?"Raynar says in calm but deadly tone.
"You are leaving our territory with pack mates." One guard says trying to shove his aura at them
River laughs. " pup I'm gone give you 30 seconds to rethink this decision"
"We have there release papers. So we are free to leave."
The guards grabs Raynars arm as he turns around to get back in the car.
"Our future Beta said that you are taking some pack members unwillingly."
Fuck me.
The guys laugh a dangerous laugh. I open the link.
'Mark get your ass to this gate right now for your son causes a fucking war!'
'I'm on my way what the hell did that boy do?'

I step out the car just in time to see Mark, Rob, and Will running toward the gate along with Zaryn the future Alpha and Damian the future Beta.
They weren't quick enough I felt Raynars aura come out full force when he turned around and attacked the guard.
River who moves attack the guard moving to attack his brother while the rest jump in attacking the rest of the guards holding them hostage.

Hannah comes up front and grabs her mate to calm him by time the Alpha reaches.
"Stand down." Raynar aura full force telling his guard to fall back.
I notice River is fighting the shift he is ready to kill. Holding on to the guard who moved to attack his brother while he wasn't looking.

William finally says. "What seems to be the problem?"
Raynar kicks the guard in the face knocking him out before look at Will.
He walks over to his brother and takes the guard from him tossing him aside.
"Atlas I'm ok stand down brother" His voice missed in with his wolf.
Atlas demand "Hendrix"
Raynar lets his wolf take full control.
"I'm ok Brother calm down. Relax. I got you. I got this little brother."
Atlas recedes and so does Hendrix.
River glares at Damien with a promised vengeance.
" It's seems your future Beta doesn't want to let my mate go. And did not take heed to my warning."
I see Hannah tense as much as her and Dame argue she loves him. They have known each other forever. She will never see harm come his way

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