Elias P.O.V.

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When I found Ester and Emily. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this. As soon as I reached them Ester passed out and Emily looked dead. If it wasn't for our connection I would've thought her dead. Neither one has woken up. I know nothing.

Laying beside Ester I rub her swollen baby. The pups will be here in another week she doesn't need this stress. I had the doctor come check on her and the pups. He said Ester will need to be stress free and she's going to be out for a while. The pups are fine they're strong and healthy. She's carrying two boys. I have two heirs. I noticed her mark is gone. I need her to wake up.

I must have fallen asleep because her blood curdling screams caused me to jump up. She on alert. I push her down and pull her into my arms. She relaxes but I can't tell she shaken up.

Something happened Ester don't have fear. She's never easily disturbed. Once I know she's calm enough to talk I pull back and sit up.

"What happened?"
"She's evil. I thought we were cruel but that bitch Aurora is the fucking Devil. She tried to kill my fucking child." She screams.
I touch her leg. Relaxing her. She tells me everything. I'm pissed. They could have killed Emily, Ester, and my two pups. I will make them pay when the time comes.

This Aurora is going to be a problem. I'm going to have to take over before she takes over. I can tell now she's going to be brutal. She made a pregnant wolf drink her own pups blood. She could have killed them all.

'At least she doesn't wear that bastards mark anymore.'Viper says still angry
'Yeah and her scent is even stronger to me again I love it'
'Warm Apples and caramel, my own taste of apple pie'
'Mark her'
'After the pups I promise. She's out. I won't let her go this time.'

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