Savannah P.O.V.

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"What the fuck is going on?" Denise demands soon as she enters.
She's the older sister.
I sigh.
"I always knew those pups were his Sav. The question is how."She states.
"When we're 18 we found out we were fated mates."
They all gasp.
"He rejected me the same day. He felt I wasn't strong enough to be his Luna at the time. I was broken. I requested a transfer after she announced she was carrying Evan. He refused to let me go. When I got pregnant with Sarai we got into a big argument. I decided to cut him off and focus on her. I knew I couldn't tell you guys he was the father to my pup. I knew that would cause a rift in this pack and he was a good alpha I couldn't let this hurt all he has worked for. I told him the day I gave birth to Sarai even though he had declared he didn't want anything to do with the pup he already had a heir. Later that night he came to the hospital. I noticed there connection then and the bond they have is strong. She adores the man. He's a great father. He's a great mate when he chooses to be. So for years it's been like this. I play the background doing the Luna duties while she gets the credit. I play his secret family while he flaunts her around."I tell them.
"Do you love him?" Denise ask
"Yes too much sometimes." I say.
"Do you really believe that she gets the credit for doing Luna duties?" Tiffany ask.
"I know she does."I respond
"That's bullshit. I worked in his Law office for years. Everyone in this pack knows she is only Luna in name and that he has another who actually doing the Luna work. He makes that clear." Tiffany says
"It still doesn't make it better."I say.
"It doesn't but I just want you to know we know she's not the real Luna."Tiff says
"I remember when you moved into the room at the pack house that was all him wasn't it?" Whit ask.
"Yeah and then I moved out went back to mom and dads when I got pregnant." I say.
"This house. He got it for you didn't he." Denise says.
"Yeah it was close to the borders of my school and hospital I was working at. It was also furthest away from his happy family. He didn't want any drama."I state
"I don't think that's the case. This home smells lived in. All of your scents linger in this home like it is a family home. Although selfish of him I understand the mate bond. He needed you as much as you needed him. This home is furthest away from the back because it brings him peace being here with you and his kids. He doesn't have to bother with pack members being in his business. Hell he lets him gamma live 2 doors from you. The man didn't do it to avoid drama. He did it to have his family to himself."
They all nod. I roll my eyes.
"You guys are the only ones who know about us besides The Alpha Team and their mates. Please don't say anything." I beg
"We won't sister and we stand by whatever decision you make."Tiffany says
The others nod. We say our good nights as they had back to our parents and Whitney parents home.
I head to bed. I feel Nixon get in and pull me into his arms.
They burst in as I'm finishing breakfast. My boys go straight to the water bottles.
Nixon and Oran laugh.
"Thats proper training pups." Oran yells.
"Did y'all really have to work my babies that hard. They look like they are about to pass out." I say
"Of course. They told us we were old men."Nixon says kissing my cheek and gripping my ass.
The man has a thing for my ass.
"Finally I get your food again. That was bullshit what I was fed last night. They need to fire the whole kitchen." Oran growls
"It was not that bad."I say.
They roll their eyes. I know they prefer real meat over seafood.
Making Spencer and I plates.
"Ma I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said last night. I love you and don't want you mad at me. I was just angry. I'm sorry ma." Skylar says almost in tears
"You were forgiven last night my baby. But I will kick your ass you try it again." I tell him hugging him and kissing his cheek.
He relaxes and goes to make his plate.
We enjoy the morning.
"Is wolf big like mommy and sissy?" Spencer ask Oran and Nixon.
They laugh.
"No little wolf our wolf is bigger than your mommy and sissy." Nixon tells him amused
"Big like Lloyd."
"Bigger."Oran laughs
Spencer gets excited.
"Can I see I want to ride like mommy lets me ride Evie."
"After Breakfast." I tell him.
"All done." He says clearly too excited to finish.
"Few more bites." I say
We finish eating and all head into the forest. Sarai and Lloyd joins us. Her wolf Nidara wanted to see her dad.

I sit Spencer in my lap. I know Jared is about to claim Shane and Spencer. I know he's about to reclaim all his pups. I watch as Nixon strips.
All three shift. Spencer is so excited he squeals.
Jared is truly an Alpha Wolf. The wolf is huge.
Jared is all black with ocean blue eyes and silver fur streak down his back.
Nadira is a large silver wolf with my orange eyes and black fur at the top of her tail and paws and ears. She's a mixture of Nixon and I wolf.
Oran is a huge brown wolf with gray eyes.
Jared looks over at Nadira they both growl before he goes over to her touch forehead with her. She whines. Missing her father he licks her face.
He then goes over to Sky and Lo. They kneel down so he can scent them and lick their face and growls.
"Hey dad." they say rubbing his fur.
He walks over to Shane who's looking at him in shock.
Jared sniffs him and then scents him. He growls his claim to his pup. And then licks his face knocking him down playfully. Shane laughs with joy. " hey dad." He says playing in his fur kissing the wolf's forehead.

He comes over to Spencer. I stand Spencer up between my legs. He repeats the process claiming his pup.
Spencer giggles the whole time.
"You and Uncle Oran huge."he giggles
Oran barks a laugh as Skylar and Shilo tackle the beast.
He wrestles them playfully as Spencer and Shane play with their father.
Nadira is too busy rubbing herself against Lloyd. I see when Jared notices. I roll my eyes to the heavens. She's grown mated wolf.
Jared growls a stop. She looks back at her dad and whines but she stops.
Lloyd laughs rubbing her fur.
I push Evie foward to tell her mate off.
He huffs at her and eyes Lloyd nodding for him to shift. Lloyd does knowing a father wolf wants to see the kind of wolf his daughter is mated too.
Lloyd's large gray wolf definitely is smaller compared to Jared and Cade.
Cade is watching now to see any sudden threat. Evie is on the surface if needed. Sky grabs Spencer and Shane. Nadira moves closer to her mate.
I rub Jared's fur. He looks at me and nods. He growls his approval. Nadira is a happy wolf she jumps on her dad licking his face. Lloyd is happy too.
"Can I ride daddy?" Spencer ask.
I look over at Jared who nods.
"Sure baby."
I put him on Nixon back. He holds on tight. Shane gets on Orans back. Skylar on Lloyd. Shilo on Nadiras. I shift into Evie before we all take off running.
'Ma this reminds me of when we're kids and you and dad would run with us in the woods behind the house or when we would go to the lake house.' Sarai links me
'Yeah the boys seem happy' I say
'Are you happy. I see your glow ma. You haven't had that glow in a long time.'
'I'm happy baby' I tell her
'Sky told me what happened last night. Ma you know I'll be ok if you go back. I know you miss Ambersy and your family. Lloyd even said I should go back with you for a few weeks before my ceremony. A way for me to bond with dad again.'
'Isn't he a smart wolf I'm so thankful you got the perfect mate my love' I tell her.
'You did too ma. I see how daddy looks at you. The man is breaking without you. He doesn't look like the same daddy I knew and that's breaking me.' she says sadly.
'I know love I'll talk to him before lunch.' I tell her
We stop by the gardens. Laying out. Jared comes over to Evie and licks her face.
She purrs at him and he growls seductively.
Nadira growls annoyed at her parents.
"Please don't." Skylar declares
Oran barks out laughter.
We all head back to our clothes before walking back to the house.

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