104.get an inch, want a foot

28 1 0

Li Chengbin's words failed to silence the grumbling men.

A bespectacled, chubby man sneered, "Li Chengbin, you're about the same age as Zhang Yi. Have you started treating him like your father?"

"Don't you see he's using us all as cannon fodder?"

The term "cannon fodder" undeniably had a significant impact.

Other neighbors also changed their expressions upon hearing it.

After all, in the past few days, due to the consecutive attacks on the Tianhe Gang and the Mad Wolf Gang, they had lost over a dozen people!

Others, fearing they might share the same fate, felt a chill run down their spine.

Pointing at the man, Li Chengbin retorted, "Don't talk nonsense! At least, Zhang Yi is providing us with food."

The man, named Luan Qiang, scoffed disdainfully.

"It's true he's been feeding us. At first, I was quite moved."

He then yelled, teeth clenched, "But what about after that? He kept forcing us to fight with others, pushing us into the fire!"

"Why do we need to attack others when we can just stay in our building? Our best outcome is to ensure our own safety and let Zhang Yi find food for us daily."

"He's the one stirring up trouble, offending people from other buildings. What if they all turn against us later?"

Luan Qiang then dropped another bombshell.

"Also, I've observed that he never eats the food he brings us."

"He must be secretly keeping the good stuff for himself and feeding us trash!"

"With so many supermarkets and malls out there, do you really believe his claims about how hard it is to find food?"

"He's just tricking us, taking us for fools!"

His words resonated with many.

Initially, they thought they just had to quietly stay in Building 25.

Then Zhang Yi would go out and bring back plenty of food for them to eat well.

But who knew Zhang Yi would send them to fight, so cruelly!

They didn't want to die; why should they be sent to their deaths?

In the crowd, a woman also murmured, "Zhang Yi's actions are somewhat wrong. Was there a need to send us to our deaths?"

Emotions are contagious, especially when they stand united.

Gradually, others began to voice their dissatisfaction.

"We risk our lives every day, and all he has to do is go out and find some stuff."

"He's just relying on having a snowmobile, but do his contributions outweigh ours?"

"Exactly, if I had his snowmobile, I could also go out and find food. What's so hard about that?"

"I think Luan Qiang is right; he's planning to use us as cannon fodder, making us risk our lives following his orders!"

Li Chengbin's grip on his shovel loosened slightly. Suddenly, he bellowed, "Enough! Stop saying such things, or Zhang Yi might find out and kill us all!"

Everyone fell silent, startled by his outburst.

But at this moment, Luan Qiang approached Li Chengbin with a sly look, whispering, "We've all said these things; are you going to snitch and have Zhang Yi kill us all?"

All eyes turned to Li Chengbin.

If he dared utter a word that dissatisfied them, they were ready to kill him then and there to silence him.

Feeling a chill down his spine, Li Chengbin swallowed hard.

"I didn't mean that. We're all neighbors!"

"And you, if you die, do you think I could still live? Relax, I won't snitch."

Luan Qiang then smiled and said, "That's the spirit!"

"We were just venting a bit, no other intentions."

Others also chimed in with laughter: "Right, why so serious!"

"We often cursed our bosses and leaders at work too, but still had to attend, didn't we?"

Everyone wore a smile on their faces, but their eyes revealed something different.

After all, they had lost too many people in the past few days, and everyone had certain thoughts in their minds.

Soon after, Zhang Yi and Uncle You returned, bringing two bags of junk food. Knowing about the battle's outcome, Zhang Yi comfortingly spoke to everyone and publicly awarded Jiang Lei and Li Chengbin with two servings of braised pork rice.

The other neighbors also received more than two servings of food each.

However, Zhang Yi sensed something off in the atmosphere. Although they said nothing, their eyes showed some aversion towards him.

Zhang Yi chuckled inwardly, aware they were beginning to doubt him.

But what of it?

He knew these neighbors too well. Cowardly at heart, they were easily subdued by Chen Zhenghao's gun. Now, no matter how unwilling they were to be his cannon fodder, Zhang Yi could make them grovel with just a gun and a moldy bread.

A bunch of despicable creatures, unworthy of being treated as humans!

On the other hand, Uncle You cheerfully presented the clothes he had gathered to Xie Limei.

Her eyes lit up with joy upon receiving them.

Uncle You had even sought Zhang Yi's help in selecting the clothes, unknowingly choosing expensive brands.

Xie Limei had never worn such luxurious clothes before. Delighted to have new clothes for herself and her child, she affectionately hugged Uncle You's arm, saying, "You're so kind, Uncle You!"

The neighbors, envious of the new cotton clothes, dared to ask Zhang Yi for a favor.

Luan Qiang, gathering courage, said, "Zhang Yi, next time you go out, can you bring back some clothes for us too?"

"Preferably down jackets, or..." He looked greedily at Zhang Yi's professional-grade cold-weather gear and pointed, "Like the one you're wearing. You should be able to find those, right?"

Their eyes, full of longing, all turned towards Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, since Uncle You can find them, you can bring some back for us next time!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly and chuckled inwardly at their presumptuousness. They should be grateful for having enough to eat when so many others envy them.

He nodded and said, "I'll try to find some for everyone in the future."

"But my snowmobile can't carry much. How about this, I won't bring food next time but clothes instead?"

Everyone immediately objected.

"No way, we still have clothes, not so warm, but we won't freeze to death. But without food, that's unbearable!"

Zhang Yi nodded slowly: "Then let's prioritize food for now. When I get the chance, I'll definitely bring back warm clothes for you all."

"So that none of you will ever feel cold again!"

Zhang Yi smiled brightly.

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