81.Police arsenal

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The city of Tianhai lay in a deathly silence. The pure white snow had blanketed everything, and from a bird's-eye view, all you could see were the shadows of a few tall buildings, surrounded by a sea of pristine white.

Zhang Yi rode his snowmobile, swiftly racing across the snowy terrain. After self-isolating at home for almost a month, this was the first time he had ventured out. The wind whistled past his ears, and it felt exhilarating. Zhang Yi couldn't help but let out a few excited howls.

The snowmobile's engine noise was particularly attention-grabbing.

As he rode, Zhang Yi spotted fleeting figures behind the glass of some high-rise buildings. Even in the apocalypse, some of the tenacious human beings would survive, much like locusts. The brutal cold acted as a pesticide, but once this disaster was over, the surviving humans would gradually adapt.

Zhang Yi touched the gun in his pocket, instantly feeling more secure. Anyone still alive in this city could potentially become a threat. In the apocalypse, you shouldn't trust human nature.

Zhang Yi's first destination wasn't the nearby supermarket. He rode his snowmobile straight to the Tianhai City Police Station, where he knew they'd be storing weapons.

He firmly believed that fear came from a lack of firepower, and therefore, weapons, especially firearms, were essential for survival.

After half an hour of riding, Zhang Yi arrived at the location of the Tianhai City Police Station. At this point, most of the station was submerged. The six-story building's bottom three floors were completely buried under snow. Luckily, the police station was a standalone building, which made it slightly taller than the residential houses. Otherwise, if Zhang Yi had arrived just a few days later, there might be nothing left.

He parked his snowmobile in front of the station's fourth-floor window. Getting off the vehicle, he removed the key and swung his pry bar.


The tempered glass shattered all over the ground. Zhang Yi reached for his gun from his pocket and entered the building.

Inside, it was pitch black, but that was no problem for Zhang Yi. He retrieved a miner's lamp from his dimensional space. It was a compact device used by miners with a remarkably high brightness. When he turned it on, it lit up the surroundings like a small sun.

Zhang Yi was unfamiliar with the internal layout of the police station, so he decided to search room by room.

As he reached the second floor, covered in ice and snow, he forcefully pried open a locked room. The sight inside moved him slightly.

In the corner of the room, seven or eight police officers huddled together. They were wrapped in thin blankets, their bodies paler than the snow itself.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, feeling somewhat melancholic. These officers had worked the night shift and had been caught unprepared when the blizzard hit, lacking even warm clothing.

From their appearance, they seemed to have died from the cold.

Zhang Yi wanted to give them a proper burial, but after some thought, he felt that, in this frozen, snow-covered world, being buried in the place they had dedicated their lives to might be a fitting end.

He bowed his head and paid his respects to these guardians of the city.

Then, he continued searching, avoiding the bodies.

The police station had a lot of clutter, making the search time-consuming. Zhang Yi would eat a chunk of pure cocoa chocolate from his dimensional space whenever he felt tired, which replenished his energy to keep going.

After almost two hours, Zhang Yi finally found the armory. However, it was locked from the outside.

Zhang Yi struggled for a while but failed to pry it open. He sighed and headed back to find the key. Luckily, he knew it would be in the duty room, making it an easy find.

After obtaining the key, Zhang Yi unlocked the door with ease. Inside the armory, he was in for a surprise. There were numerous firearms, including both handguns and rifles, totaling dozens. He even found a sniper rifle!

Although he couldn't recall their names or had any experience with such weapons, Zhang Yi didn't care. He collected all of them and planned to study them in detail later. Especially the sniper rifle, it seemed like a top-notch piece of equipment. He could use it for stealthy long-range attacks in the future, even if his marksmanship wasn't top-tier. At the very least, he could scare people off.

"I'm a genius when it comes to firearms!" Zhang Yi boasted, but also laughed at his self-deprecating remark.

After that, he discovered over a thousand rounds of ammunition. There were also antique firearms, which might not even work after being stored for so long. Zhang Yi didn't mind and took everything he found.

This was a successful trip, and he felt like he had hit the jackpot.

Apart from the firearms and ammunition, Zhang Yi found more than a dozen bulletproof vests and a full set of riot gear, including riot helmets, shields, and batons.

"All this stuff will be enough to build a formidable team in the future!" Zhang Yi was elated. He gathered all these items and made his way back.

His visit to the police station turned out to be a great success.

This also confirmed something for him – there were still plenty of resources outside. After all, the massive snowstorm had struck on December 12th at midnight, and by the next morning, people had woken up to find over a meter of snow in front of their doors, with temperatures plunging well below freezing.

So, most people hadn't realized the apocalypse had arrived, nor had they started frantically looting for supplies. When they finally understood the situation, it was already too late for them to venture outside.

Satisfied with his findings, Zhang Yi left the police station.

The snow had accumulated on his snowmobile, requiring him to brush it off before riding. He realized that he had been out for quite some time.

"It's time to feed those bastards," Zhang Yi thought about his ungrateful neighbors.

He scouted the area and eventually found an almost completely buried supermarket.

Entering through a broken window, he quickly realized that the shelves were mostly empty, looking as if they had just been restocked. Only a few rotten vegetable leaves lay on the floor.

Rubbing his chin, Zhang Yi commented, "This is a convenience store, so it's close to the residential area, which means it's been picked clean. But the larger supermarkets in the city center or the outskirts must be untouched."

Many of the newer shopping centers were generally located further from residential areas to reduce land costs. Zhang Yi was well aware of this due to his warehousing work.

So, he mounted his snowmobile and headed toward the Economic Development Zone. Two years ago, a Wanda Shopping Mall had been built there, and the nearest residential buildings were around three kilometers away. The chances of it being looted were relatively low.

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