45.Decided to attack

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Inside Building 25, Chen Zhenghao and his gang had raided several households, directly or indirectly causing the deaths of five people.

This situation prompted many residents within the building to unite.

Their solution to this problem was simple: stay together.

They used heavy objects to barricade their doors, preventing Chen Zhenghao and his gang from entering. As for collecting water, they relied on the snow outside.

Some residents had balconies on their floors, which facilitated snow collection. As for Fang Yuqing's group, they had moved in together on the 18th floor, at Wang Min's apartment.

Wang Min was Zhou Peng's cousin and a successful independent businesswoman in cosmetics in Tianhai City. She had some assets and lived in a three-bedroom apartment, just like Zhang Yi's.

The others in the group were her colleagues from the company and close friends. In an apocalyptic world, even when forming groups, people only trusted those they could rely on.

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining had been allowed in because of Zhou Peng's intervention, and Zhang Yi's situation served as their "letter of introduction."

At this moment, a group of people sat in the living room, wrapped in thick down jackets, scarves wound around their necks, trying to cover themselves as completely as possible. Due to Zhang Yi's rejection of their proposal to share his place, their moods were somewhat sour.

Wang Min looked at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining and said with a hint of disappointment, "I promised to let you stay because of my cousin, and you also promised to convince Zhang Yi to let us in."

"Now, Zhang Yi refuses, so what should we do about this?"

Zhou Peng was a sycophant, but Wang Min was shrewd. She could tell that dealing with these two girls wouldn't be easy. So, if it weren't for them mentioning Zhang Yi, she wouldn't have allowed them to join.

Fang Yuqing quickly said, "Wang Jie, listen to me. Zhang Yi's place is really well-stocked with supplies, and he even has a fireplace!"

"As long as we can move into his place, our days will be much better."

After being repeatedly rejected by Zhang Yi, Fang Yuqing and her group no longer had any illusions about him. So, they revealed all the information they had about Zhang Yi's place, including the photos and videos he had sent them.

Lin Caining added, "Yes, you've all seen the videos. You should understand how comfortable Zhang Yi's place is."

"If we all work together and move into Zhang Yi's place, not only can we resist Chen Zhenghao, but we can also live comfortably."

Wang Min and the others couldn't help but take out their phones and watch the videos Fang Yuqing had forwarded to them.

The videos showed Zhang Yi's home, which was quite luxurious, making their eyes shine with desire.

Wang Min furrowed her brow slightly. "But his attitude has already been made clear; he doesn't want us to move in."

At this moment, Sun Zhichao, the bespectacled man, raised his golden-rimmed glasses and said in a low voice, "He's too selfish, completely disregarding the lives of others."

"For people like him, we don't need to be too polite. I think we should use some special means."

When Sun Zhichao spoke, everyone turned to look at him.

Clearly, they understood Sun Zhichao's meaning: to break into Zhang Yi's home and force him to give up his house!

His friend, Lu Tao, loudly supported, "I think it's a good idea! Such a selfish person who only thinks of himself, why does he deserve to live in such a good house?"

Wang Min frowned slightly. "But according to Zhou Peng, their security door is very strong. We're not like Chen Zhenghao's gang; we're not skilled at this."

Zhou Peng added, "Yes, and Zhang Yi is quite despicable. Last time, when we knocked on his door, he even urinated on us from above!"

Recalling that incident, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining felt nauseous and nearly threw up.

Even now, there was still a lingering smell of Zhang Yi on their hair and skin.

If it weren't for their stuffy noses due to the cold weather, that smell might have overwhelmed them.

Sun Zhichao lifted his glasses and sneered, "This can be easily handled. If we wrap ourselves tightly, wear masks, and carry umbrellas, he won't be able to stop us."

"As for breaking in, heh heh!"

He glanced at Lu Tao.

Lu Tao cleared his throat and said, "I used to work for a lock-picking company, so I'm quite familiar with this stuff. I can open various locks commonly found on the market!"

Hearing Lu Tao's words, Fang Yuqing and the others were excited.

"Great! As long as we can open his security door, with so many of us, Zhang Yi won't be able to resist!"

Fang Yuqing gritted her teeth.

She had pleaded with Zhang Yi before, but he had refused and humiliated her in various ways. This had ignited an intense hatred for Zhang Yi in her heart.

"When we get inside, I'll make sure to hold his head in the toilet and make him swallow big mouthfuls!"

Zhou Peng, the sycophant, chim

ed in, "I'll be responsible for flushing when the time comes!"

Zhou Peng's crudeness made Fang Yuqing feel disgusted, but she still needed him now, so she smiled and said, "Sure, sure. Then you should eat more bean products and onions."

The group of them appeared cheerful, thinking that with their numbers, they could easily overwhelm Zhang Yi.

So, they found some umbrellas and wrapped themselves up tightly, ready with tools to break in, and headed towards Zhang Yi's place.

Zhang Yi had installed an alarm system in his apartment. Whenever there was any movement on his floor, it would automatically sound an alarm.

So, when this group of people climbed the stairs and approached Zhang Yi's apartment, he knew right away.

Watching them through the surveillance cameras, he mistook them for Chen Zhenghao's group due to their bundled appearance.

"Perfect timing. I didn't finish you off last time, so it's good to give you another lesson."

Zhang Yi said with a cold smile. However, he still had no intention of killing Chen Zhenghao right now.

If Chen Zhenghao died, who would deal with these scumbag neighbors in the building?

It wouldn't be as entertaining then.

This group of people was wrapped up so tightly that when they arrived near Zhang Yi's apartment, they immediately opened several umbrellas.

This time, Zhang Yi wouldn't be able to drive them away with water or stink bombs in the short term.

All of this was based on the information Fang Yuqing had provided.

She naively believed that even if Zhang Yi had various defense mechanisms in his home, supplies were ultimately limited within one apartment.

Water spraying and stink bombs were Zhang Yi's last resort.

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