74.Night attack on Zhang Yi's house

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Xie Limei knew that Uncle You was angry, and she understood that she shouldn't push the issue further, so she wisely chose to keep quiet. However, this didn't mean she was giving up on convincing Uncle You.

Zhang Yi's warm home was what she had dreamed of!

Xie Limei glanced down at her eight-month-old baby and secretly made a determination in her heart. "Baby, to ensure that we both survive, I don't mind paying any price!"


That night,

White moonlight bathed the silvery landscape, carrying a sense of desolation and loneliness.

Heavy snow had been falling for nearly a month, sometimes heavier, sometimes lighter, but it never stopped.

The snow in Yue Lu Community had piled up to the fourth floor, leaving the ground blanketed in white.

Out of habit, most people still went to sleep at this time.

However, the entrance door of Unit 25 on the first floor was completely blocked by tens of thousands of tons of accumulated snow, completely sealed off from the outside world.

Suddenly, the snow covering the entrance seemed to loosen. A few ice chips fell to the ground, and then a massive chunk of ice and snow was forcefully pushed away.

A shovel appeared through the hole.

Soon, the opening was expanded further, and over a dozen people, dressed in heavy clothing, holding shovels, steel rods, and axes, crawled out from inside.

The leader was not very tall, with a skinny figure, and deep-set sunken cheeks.

Yet, he had a pair of chillingly sharp eyes.

Once inside the hallway, he lowered his voice and said, "Let's go, upstairs!"

The group of people carefully held their equipment, steadily climbing up the stairs.

Their formation was well-organized, and they had people holding wooden boards and frying pans as shields at the front.

When they reached the tenth floor, they encountered residents who were secretly going downstairs to collect snow during the night.

A strong man without a word took a shovel and struck it against the man's head.


Blood sprayed onto the wall, and the man didn't even have time to scream before collapsing to the ground.

The big guy looked at the corpse on the floor and said to the thin man leading them, "Second Uncle, what should we do?"

"Second Uncle" replied, "Leave him here for now; we'll take care of it later."

The group obediently continued to climb upstairs.

Their target tonight was Apartment 2401 on the 25th floor.

At this time, Zhang Yi was sleeping soundly, while Zhou Ke'er was locked in the adjacent guest room.

These intruders arrived silently on the 24th floor, despite the high climb, their physical exertion seemed minimal.

Clearly, they weren't ordinary people and probably had specialized training.

The group arrived at Zhang Yi's doorstep, but no one rushed to break down the door.

The leading "Second Uncle" gestured for everyone to halt and shouted quietly to the one behind, "Lao Lu, come here!"

A middle-aged man wearing a gray woolen cap walked over from the back of the group.

He was also carrying a gray backpack on his back.

"Get the door open!"

Second Uncle pointed to Zhang Yi's door.

Lao Lu nodded. "Leave it to me."

He approached Zhang Yi's door, placed his backpack on the floor, and quickly took out various tools from it.

The most conspicuous ones were blasting caps and several rectangular objects wrapped in yellow tape.

After fumbling for a while, everyone quickly retreated into the hallway.


An earth-shattering sound echoed throughout the entire unit building!

Everyone was woken from their sleep, including Zhang Yi.

Due to the explosion right in front of his door, his ears were still ringing, and his eardrums ached terribly.

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