12.Evacuate warehouses worth tens of billions

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Zhang Yi had the delivery guy bring 100 giant water barrels to his home.

Then, he began to turn on all the faucets in his house, filling up the barrels.

At this rate, it seemed that within a week, he would have all 100 barrels completely filled.

Days turned into nights, and Zhang Yi didn't rest for a single day.

He spent every cent in his hands without any restraint.

He dined at the finest restaurants every day.

He also purchased large quantities of food from top-notch restaurants, storing them in his own spatial dimension.

During this time, he made daily visits to Tianhai City's shooting range, practicing archery and firearms shooting, diligently honing his skills.

Becoming a martial arts expert in just a month was an unrealistic goal.

However, with the crossbow, firearms, and his super-safe house encased in full metal, he wouldn't fear any potential dangers.

Such actions couldn't escape the watchful eyes of others.

Yet, everyone around him viewed Zhang Yi as a joke.

They thought he had lost his mind, privately mocking him.

Even Fang Yuqing intentionally distanced herself from Zhang Yi, unwilling to communicate with him.

As time passed day by day, over twenty days had quickly slipped away, and the impending doomsday was drawing nearer.

Zhang Yi had already collected a massive amount of supplies, including food, weapons, and heating equipment.

However, these couldn't provide him with enough peace of mind.

He decided to target the massive Walmart warehouse.

Once he seized that warehouse, he would have a vast supply of resources that he could use for the rest of his life!

So, Zhang Yi returned to the warehouse and resumed his regular shifts.

The Walmart warehouse had staff on duty 24/7, but during the night, there were only ten employees working.

Zhang Yi decided to use the simplest and most direct method: adding sleeping pills to their tea.

After all, the end of the world was less than a week away, and he wasn't afraid of getting caught.

Since these people were all familiar faces, Zhang Yi easily succeeded in his plan.

Once the effects of the medication took hold, they fell into a deep slumber, and Zhang Yi made his way to the control room, shutting off all the warehouse's surveillance cameras.

After completing these tasks, he swiftly made his way to the warehouse itself.

Staring at the enormous warehouse before him, Zhang Yi took a deep breath and began collecting the goods.

With a mere glance of his right eye, any shelf he focused on would instantly appear in his spatial dimension.

Zhang Yi started with the beverage section.

There were tens of thousands of tons of bottled water, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages, including many high-end wines and spirits.

Zhang Yi didn't discriminate; he took everything in sight.

Within moments, thousands of cubic feet of beverages disappeared.

Next, he moved on to the household supplies area.

Here, there were plenty of smokeless coal, barrels of gasoline, and alcohol, all for home use or picnics.

There were tens of thousands of boxes of smokeless coal alone, not to mention the solid alcohol and barrelled gasoline.

The quantity here was enough to last Zhang Yi for a hundred years!

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi collected all of them and used his extensive warehousing knowledge to allocate specific areas within his spatial dimension for easy access.

Following this, he went to the food section.

Here, the quantity was even greater, totaling tens of thousands of tons!

Canned food, pre-packaged roast chicken and duck, puffed snacks, convenience foods, high-end snacks—the variety was staggering.

Zhang Yi didn't pick and choose; he took everything in sight.

After collecting the food, he moved to the sports equipment section.

His safe house required exercise equipment, and although the space was limited, Zhang Yi had no qualms about taking anything. After all, his spatial dimension had unlimited capacity.

Among the equipment, some were particularly useful, like baseball bats and fencing gear, excellent for self-defense.

During the collection process, Zhang Yi also stumbled upon some extremely valuable items, such as skiing and mountaineering equipment, including professional-grade cold-resistant suits that could withstand temperatures as low as minus one hundred degrees Celsius!

Zhang Yi's eyes lit up; these were top-of-the-line cold-resistant gear, perfect for the impending ice-cold apocalypse!

Without hesitation, he collected dozens of sets of the best cold-resistant suits and sleeping bags from the warehouse.

After nearly two hours, Zhang Yi had emptied the enormous Walmart warehouse, spanning millions of square feet!

Upon completing this, he gazed at the vast and empty warehouse, a sense of contentment washing over him.

Now, even in the face of the harshest ice age, he had the confidence to live comfortably!

Zhang Yi returned to his post, took a sip of the tea laced with sleeping pills, and then lay down on the table, falling into a deep slumber.

He had no idea how much time had passed when he was suddenly jolted awake.

"Supervisor, supervisor, something big has happened! Wake up quickly!"

Zhang Yi slowly opened his eyes, his face filled with confusion as he looked at his anxious colleagues.

"What's going on?"

One of the warehouse employees, trembling, pointed at the empty warehouse and said, "Unbelievable! Our warehouse has been completely emptied!"


Zhang Yi stood up in astonishment.

He pretended to be shocked and walked over to the warehouse, naturally observing the empty scene.

Zhang Yi knew better than anyone what had happened.

However, he felt his legs weaken, and his voice quivered as he said, "This is incredible! What on earth has happened? How did all the goods in the warehouse disappear in the blink of an eye?"

The surrounding employees were also nervous.

"Yes, there were at least tens of billions worth of goods in this warehouse! Even if we used large trucks, it would take several days to transport it all. How did it all vanish in the blink of an eye?"

As for the incident of them sleeping on the job, they chose not to mention it.

After all, everyone took a nap during their night shifts; it was common practice.

Zhang Yi maintained a serious expression and pretended to be anxious, suggesting, "This matter is too bizarre; we can't handle it ourselves. We should call the higher-ups!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This mess was better left for the higher-ups to deal with!

Zhang Yi immediately called the warehouse manager to report the incident. Upon hearing the news, the manager was dumbfounded, even thinking that Zhang Yi might be joking.

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