84.I, Zhang Yi, don't raise waste

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Zhang Yi looked at the neighbors in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

After taking a life, these neighbors could become qualified foot soldiers and cannon fodder for him. Dealing with attacks from other apartment units would be much more convenient in the future.

All he needed to invest was a little junk food and a promise of various empty promises.

*Clap, clap, clap!*

Zhang Yi clapped his hands with a smile.

"All right, well done! Do you see that? As long as we stand united, what is there to fear from these people?"

Zhang Yi looked ahead and waved to the two most hardworking young men.

"You two, come over here!"

The two young men had happy expressions and came to stand in front of Zhang Yi without even wiping the blood off their faces.

Zhang Yi reached out, grabbed a handful of food directly from the ground, and shoved it into one of the men's arms.

One handful wasn't enough, so he took another.

Inflated and swollen bread, moldy biscuits, dehydrated vegetables, and even a big chunk of pale zombie meat!

These were all high-quality goods!

Other neighbors watched this scene with envy, wishing that the food was theirs!

Zhang Yi stuffed both men with a pile of stuff and patted their shoulders.

"Work hard, and as long as you maintain this enthusiasm in the future, I won't treat you unfairly!"

The two young men were thrilled, their bodies trembling.

With all this food, it would be enough to last them for several days!

Tears welled up in their eyes.

It had been too long since they had eaten normal food!

"Big Brother Zhang Yi, we will definitely work hard with you in the future!"

"We'll follow your lead, we'll do whatever you say, you're like a real brother to us!"

These two young men were named Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei, and they shouted at the top of their lungs.

When they looked at Zhang Yi at this moment, their eyes were full of gratitude!

The other neighbors saw hope and secretly regretted why they hadn't put in more effort just now.

This was precisely the scene that Zhang Yi wanted to see.

After rewarding the two young men who had worked the hardest, Zhang Yi said to the others, "Now, it's time to distribute the food. Come forward one by one!"

During the battle just now, Zhang Yi had been paying attention to everyone's performance.

For those who had worked harder, he gave them a bit more, and for those who hadn't done as well, he gave them less.

However, most people only received a piece of bread or two bags of cookies the size of a child's hand.

Zhang Yi had raised dogs before, so he understood a principle.

If you feed a dog too well every day, it becomes lazy and less obedient.

So the best way is to ensure that it doesn't starve but always remains somewhat hungry.

Only then will the dog stay obedient.

The same principle applied to people.

The neighbors looked at the limited amount of food in their hands. Although they felt somewhat disappointed, they didn't dare to say anything.

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