75.The power of white phosphorus

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Zhang Yi's response was lightning-fast. He got out of bed in his pajamas and immediately retrieved a handgun from his pocket dimension, releasing the safety and holding it in his hand.

He turned on his phone to check the surveillance cameras.

The living room appeared to be undisturbed.

In Zhou Ke'er's room, she wore a terrified expression, clutching her blanket nervously and huddling in the corner.

Inside the house seemed secure, which eased Zhang Yi's anxiety. Then he turned his attention back to the outdoors through the surveillance feed.

This time, he noticed the group of suspicious individuals outside.

Most of them were wielding shovels, with a few carrying steel bars, wooden planks, and axes.

Upon closer inspection, Zhang Yi realized that those wooden planks looked familiar, and he realized that they were the common red three-layer wooden planks used at construction sites.

Zhang Yi was well aware that there were no construction workers in their building. However, in the neighboring Unit 26, there was a group of over twenty workers employed at nearby construction sites who lived in company-rented rooms.

As the smoke cleared, the men hurried to the door to check the outcome of their explosion.

Their actions were well-coordinated and suggested they came prepared. It was evident that their target was directly Zhang Yi himself.

Zhang Yi's gaze turned ice-cold, and it was apparent that the rumors about his well-stocked home had already spread outside.

Outside the door, the group, including Second Uncle, was stunned to find the heavily reinforced metal door untouched.

"Old Donkey, what the hell did you do? You couldn't even blow the door open!"

One of the workers angrily questioned Old Donkey.

Old Donkey also hadn't expected such an outcome.

He said, "This doesn't make sense! The explosives I prepared were fine. Maybe... they got damp!"

Old Donkey was an expert in explosives for the construction team, but he only used primitive methods. So while the explosion was loud, it paled in comparison to the explosives used by professionals.

Otherwise, even if they couldn't blow open Zhang Yi's door, they could have at least destroyed the walls nearby.

In simple terms, it wasn't very lethal but had an incredibly frightening effect.

Zhang Yi used a mobile app to confirm that his home had not been damaged. A sigh of relief escaped him. However, his anger was also burning fiercely.

These people were here to end his life!

So, he decided to send them to their graves first!

Outside, the group was still complaining. Some of them even attempted to break down the door using their shovels.

Unbeknownst to them, a small window above the door was opened by Zhang Yi.

He lit a Molotov cocktail and hurled it outside.

The flames roared to life immediately.

Zhang Yi was still far from satisfied. He retrieved several small white bottles from his pocket dimension, containing nearly transparent white liquid.

These bottles contained white phosphorus dissolved in sulfur dioxide, a simplified version of a white phosphorus bomb.

White phosphorus bombs were known as "fire from hell," reaching temperatures exceeding 1,000°C and could eliminate all living organisms within a certain range.

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