49.Asking Zhang Yi to borrow medicine with a shy face

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Wang Min and Sun Zhichao became instantly excited upon hearing that Zhang Ye might have medicine!

In the face of death, one would clutch at any straw of salvation.

Sun Zhichao struggled and asked, "Is it true? He... does he really have medicine?"

Wang Min stared intently at her. "Fang Yuqing, don't lie! Because of you, several of us suffered serious injuries."

Now, even the mention of Zhang Ye's name filled her with dread.

Fang Yuqing explained, "It was about a month ago when Zhang Ye seemed to change completely. He started hoarding things like crazy."

"I could almost see delivery trucks at his place every day."

"One time, I saw a pharmaceutical company's vehicle arrive at our compound, and Zhang Ye went to receive it."

"Then, they carried two large boxes into his house. There must be medicine inside!"

Hearing this, Zhou Ke'er added, "Antibiotics aren't rare at all. If he truly knew about the impending disaster and stockpiled supplies, he must have a substantial quantity of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs."

As a doctor, Zhou Ke'er was highly confident in this assertion.

Sun Zhichao, as if seeing a glimmer of hope, had a crazed look in her eyes. "Then go find Zhang Ye! Make him bring the medicine to save my life!"

"My injuries are his doing, so he must save me!"

Wang Min clenched her teeth, her face filled with inner conflict. "But after what just happened, he must despise us! Why would he give us medicine?"

Ge Jialiang, in unbearable pain, lay on the sofa, moaning in agony. "Oh, I feel like I'm dying. Think of something, you guys! Go beg Zhang Ye, we must be saved!"

Fang Yuqing also chimed in, "We haven't harmed him. In fact, we were planning to leave some supplies for him after breaking into his house. It's him who's ruthless toward us. We're the ones seeking justice!"

Hearing these remarks from the group, Zhou Ke'er basically understood what had happened. Her eyes revealed a wordless expression of exasperation.

However, this matter was not her concern, so she refrained from commenting further. Instead, she opened her medical kit and retrieved some gauze to stop the bleeding for several of them.

Unfortunately, there was hardly anything left in the medical kit. She only kept emergency supplies at home, and her stock had dwindled over the past few days due to helping neighbors. If Wang Min and the others couldn't obtain medicine, she might only be able to assist by removing the arrows and providing rudimentary bandaging. At the very least, it would alleviate their pain.

They spoke eloquently.

Until now, they still believed they were in the right.

They were simply striving for survival, so what could be wrong with that?

Blaming Zhang Ye for being selfish and enjoying better survival conditions than them, they saw themselves as the righteous ones.

After contemplating for a while, Wang Min suddenly pointed at Fang Yuqing and said, "This task falls to you! I know Zhang Ye pursued you before, so you're the most suitable."

Sun Zhichao and Ge Jialiang, although weak, weakly agreed. After all, everything had been initiated by Fang Yuqing.

If she hadn't informed them about the situation at Zhang Ye's house and insisted that they could easily break in, they wouldn't have taken such a foolish risk.

Though Zhou Peng was reluctant to let Fang Yuqing beg Zhang Ye, the severe pain in his arm and the looming threat of death made him stand with Wang Min.

He said to Fang Yuqing, "Yuqing, we're a team, right? So, please take on this task. We all need to stay alive to protect you."

Fang Yuqing looked conflicted, her inner turmoil evident. She had already been insulted by Zhang Ye earlier. But now, she had no choice. It was only through her connection with Zhou Peng that she could join this group. Otherwise, as a fragile woman with no significant skills beyond her appearance and an inclination to act cute, she wouldn't be accepted by other teams. Even if she managed to join, she might end up as a plaything.

Zhou Ke'er picked up a surgical knife. Due to limited conditions, she couldn't disinfect it. Even alcohol would freeze in this temperature. Moreover, without medication, disinfection would be a futile endeavor. She had Sun Zhichao bite on a towel and began the process of removing the arrows.

In this unanesthetized environment, the room soon echoed with the painful screams, akin to a pig being slaughtered. Sun Zhichao's towel was on the verge of being torn to shreds!

Everyone in the room shuddered with fear and hurriedly urged Fang Yuqing to contact Zhang Ye for the medicine.

With a trembling resolve, Fang Yuqing dialed Zhang Ye's WeChat voice call.

"Beep... beep... beep..."

At his home, Zhang Ye was preparing to eat when he saw Fang Yuqing's call. He answered without hesitation, a faint smile on his face.

"Oh? Are you calling me to scold me after what I did earlier?"

Zhang Ye put her on speaker and continued preparing lunch in the kitchen.

"Hello, is there something you need?"

Zhang Ye's voice was very gentle, as if he hadn't killed Lu Tao earlier or shot arrows at Sun Zhichao and the others.

But the

gentler he sounded, the more unsettled Wang Min and the others felt.

Fang Yuqing also used the phone's external speaker and said while crying, "Zhang Ye, I know I was wrong. It's all my fault for not agreeing to your pursuit earlier. But now, I've changed my mind. Can you forgive me?"

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