4.Five-star hotel orders 500 banquet tables

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With three carts laden, Zhang Yi returned to the residential compound accompanied by his comrades.En route, this spectacle did not escape the scrutiny of numerous neighbors, igniting an involuntary bout of gossip.Zhang Yi, however, held no apprehensions of being exposed; for during his supermarket excursions, some neighbors had already chanced upon him.Besides, he foresaw that eventually, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining would undoubtedly propagate this occurrence.Engaging in clandestine conduct held not a modicum of meaning.He had, in fact, envisaged the day of reckoning, when a number of individuals would attempt to forcibly enter his abode and seize his belongings.Each facet of this situation, he had concretely experienced.Yet, he was not riddled with fear, for in this lifetime, he was prepared in advance.His intention was to render those individuals able to witness, yet unable to partake, ultimately driven to a state of infuriation.Zhang Yi and Fang Yuqing, along with their compatriots, resided within a multi-storey apartment building.By virtue of Zhang Yi's employment managing the Walmart warehouse, neighbors often solicited his aid in acquiring discounted wares.Therefore, Zhang Yi was acquainted with many.Observing Zhang Yi's triumvirate return laden with so many goods, an elderly lady who was out with her grandchild approached.Gazing upon the provisions within the carts, including fresh cuts of beef and lamb, she was instantly captivated."Xiao Zhang, why have you brought back so many goods? Were they acquired from the warehouse?" "You have more than you can possibly use. Why not consider sharing some with the neighbors?"This was Lin Madam, who worked in the Residential Committee and typically wielded her modicum of authority to direct and advise the neighbors, positioning herself as a leader.Previously, she frequently had Zhang Yi procure cheap discounted merchandise for her, with a proclivity for taking advantage of situations.In his previous existence as well, she had relied on her manipulative skills to obtain edibles from Zhang Yi.However, when all the neighbors surged toward Zhang Yi's residence for plunder, not only did she not intervene, she exhibited even more vigor than the youth.Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining also had no desire to provoke this woman, hastening to explain, "These items were all bought by Zhang Yi; we simply helped deliver them."Lin Madam's gaze swiftly shifted toward Zhang Yi, and with an affable smile, she said, "Xiao Zhang, it appears these goods are from your warehouse. How about sharing some with Lin Madam?"As she spoke, her grandson, Little Hu, had already clambered atop a handcart and reached out to retrieve a box of chocolates.Though young, his eyes gleamed with a malicious glint; the imported chocolates were priced at over two hundred in the supermarket.Zhang Yi acted without hesitation, snatching the box back.Then, in a chilling tone, he addressed Lin Madam, "Apologies, but these are for my own consumption!"After all, doomsday was imminent; he was even disinclined to be polite.Lin Madam's expression suddenly soured. "You..."Zhang Yi's refusal to accord this neighborhood figure any face left her fuming.Especially considering her grandson, Little Hu, who, after being pulled away by Zhang Yi, erupted into a tantrum, demanding the chocolates."Children lack understanding; how about giving him a box of chocolates? Count it as my purchase, and I'll reimburse you later."Lin Madam spoke in a low voice.Zhang Yi's lips curled into a faint smile.In this era of mobile payments, the act of reimbursing later was undoubtedly an attempt at evasion."As I've said, I intend to enjoy these myself. If you want some, go buy them at the supermarket!"Zhang Yi sneered, then motioned for Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining to depart.Soon after their departure, Lin Madam's angry shouts followed them.Zhang Yi paid no heed.Lin Madam's son and daughter-in-law worked outside, leaving her alone at home to care for her grandson.Typically, the elderly lady purchased groceries for only one day at a time.Consequently, their supplies would be among the first to be depleted upon the arrival of doomsday.Back then, Zhang Yi had softened and helped them; yet this time, without Zhang Yi's assistance, it would be a miracle if the morally questionable elderly lady and her mischievous grandson, Little Hu, lasted ten days.Zhang Yi had no intention of wrangling with corpses.It wasn't that he was ruthless; rather, in the midst of impending doom, one must prioritize self-preservation. The lives of others naturally took a back seat.After wheeling the carts full of supplies back to his residence, Zhang Yi bade Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining farewell."Zhang Yi, don't forget to treat us sometime!"Fang Yuqing playfully winked at Zhang Yi.However, upon catching this gesture, Zhang Yi felt a surge of nausea.He made a perfunctory response.Initially, the two women had planned to linger, searching for clues to unveil Zhang Yi's identity as a hidden scion of affluence.But seeing Zhang Yi's lack of enthusiasm in entertaining them, they had no choice but to leave.After they departed, Zhang Yi opened his personal spatial dimension, then stowed the items within.He intended to observe whether these provisions would undergo any changes within the space.Completing these tasks, it was already quite late in the day.Instead of rushing to rest, Zhang Yi fetched pen and paper, meticulously planning the upcoming month's preparations.Though usually quite indolent, the instinct to survive could rouse even the most lackadaisical individuals to exhibit remarkable potential."For a comfortable existence in the apocalypse, the foremost concern is food, which can be resolved easily.""Apart from what I regularly purchase, everything else can be sourced from the warehouse. Yet haste is ill-advised; thorough investigation must precede action.""Furthermore, retrieval should occur a few days before doomsday, to avoid arousing suspicion. Being apprehended would result in, at best, a few days in detention."Zhang Yi wrote "Food" on the paper and checked it off."Next is heating.""Post-apocalypse, energy supply will be scarce, rendering air conditioning swiftly inoperative.""Hence, simplicity is key. The hearth is the optimal choice!"Fireplaces and heated brick beds functioned similarly, both employing rudimentary methods to provide warmth.In Europe's bitterly cold winters, this approach was commonly employed to endure the frigid months."This, however, necessitates renovating the residence and adding thermal insulation."The notion of renovation invoked memories of intrusions into Zhang Yi's home from his previous life, prompting unease."My residence must also be fortified as an impregnable bastion.""Begin with faux thick steel panels, capable of withstanding at least minor explosions."In the wake of the apocalypse, people would resort to anything for survival; comprehensive readiness was imperative.Human lives were in peril, and Zhang Yi had already experienced death's touch—unequivocally, he was disinclined to experience it again.Securing the safe room posed no significant challenge.In the city of Tianhai, there existed security firms specialized in safeguarding the privileges of the elite.Among their services was the construction of secure rooms.Zhang Yi recalled that in his previous life, an eminent tycoon had built an impregnable fortress, capable of withstanding attacks even from small arms."Then comes medication. I must preclude the possibility of falling ill without remedy.""Walmart's warehouse houses many common medications for minor ailments like colds and fevers. Yet these are insufficient.""The Hard Wind Storm will likely persist for several decades; I must make thorough preparations."Fortunately, Zhang Yi had fairly good connections in Tianhai. Being a warehouse manager, he also knew several personnel working in hospital storage.As long as enough money exchanged hands, any medicine could be obtained.Once these matters were resolved, Zhang Yi grabbed the phone and dialed the number of Tianhai's premier five-star hotel."Hello, this is Hongfu World Hotel. How may I assist you?"Zhang Yi promptly explained, "I am hosting a gathering at home, a lavish feast spanning three days and nights. I need to reserve 500 banquets!"The voice on the other end of the line sounded taken aback.Five hundred banquets—it would take them a significant amount of time to prepare.Moreover, being a five-star hotel, even the least expensive banquet table would cost several thousand.With 500 tables, that would amount to over a million!The service representative didn't dare to make an independent decision, and hurriedly said, "Please wait a moment, I'll consult our manager."After a while, another person took the call."Good day, I am Chen Dingfang, the manager of Hongfu Grand Hotel. May I know how to address you?"

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