76.The Trina Gang in Building 26

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Zhang Yi explained to Zhou Ke'er what had just happened.

"It was the workers from the neighboring 26# apartment!"

"Recently, a new development in the vicinity attracted a lot of workers who rented housing nearby."

Zhou Ke'er was curious, "Our neighborhood is considered high-end. Can they afford it?"

Zhang Yi replied, "When ten people share a room, do you think it's expensive?"

Zhou Ke'er nodded in understanding, "I see."

Then, her expression turned serious. "So, that means they are even more dangerous than Chen Zhenghao!"

Zhang Yi nodded in agreement.

"Chen Zhenghao is just a street thug. In peaceful times, ordinary people wouldn't dare to mess with him, which is why they were afraid. But now, everyone's struggling to survive. If it weren't for the guns he has, someone would have killed him by now."

"But these workers are different. They do manual labor every day, so they have much better physical strength than regular people, and their combat skills are more formidable."

"And they all know each other and are numerous. They can easily do whatever they want."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and sighed, "Thank goodness I got rid of that fat guy who played with explosives yesterday. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to sleep peacefully at night."

Zhou Ke'er asked, "So what do we do next? Should we seek revenge against them?"

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow, "Of course we should seek revenge!"

"But there's no way I'm going over to their turf. That would be unwise. Look at them; I killed more than half of them. How do you think they'd react?"

Zhou Ke'er was speechless. "But you have a gun!"

"Having a gun isn't enough!"

Zhang Yi said firmly, "Even if I killed them all, if I were to take a hit from a shovel, I'd consider myself at a loss."

Zhou Ke'er rolled her eyes, "You are too cautious, too prudent!"

"But if you don't go out to confront them, how are you going to get revenge? They don't look like people who fear death; they seem like desperados!"

After all, who would blow up a building within the apartment complex? One misstep, and they might bury themselves.

Zhang Yi stroked his chin, already having a plan in mind.

"It seems that if we want to live in peace from now on, we'll have to find some people to use as cannon fodder."

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yi picked up his phone and opened the owners' group for 25#.

Due to the recent explosion, all the neighbors had been awakened and the group chat was in chaos.

"What was that sound just now? An earthquake? Or a missile attack?"

"The sound came from the building; could it be a meteorite falling from the sky? If it wasn't a meteorite, how could the temperature suddenly change like that? Maybe humanity will go extinct, just like the dinosaurs."

People inside the group chat were speculating about all sorts of things.

Zhang Yi said, "The workers from 26# broke into our building and tried to kill people and steal supplies. I discovered them in time and drove them away."

"Zhang Meng from the 16th floor has already been killed."

"As for that sound, it was from them using explosives."

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