Chapter 95

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The two of us didn't say anything at first. We just stared at each other.

I'm not entirely sure how I looked, but Katsuki looked like he hadn't slept the whole time I'd been gone. His spiky hair seemed more deflated, and his already red eyes had a matching color in the whites, shining brighter from the dark circles under his eyes.

Both of us moved at the same time, my arms quickly wrapping around his neck while his wrapped around my waist. Katsuki effortlessly lifted me off the ground, making my legs automatically wrap around him.

"God, I fucking missed you." He grumbled into my neck, goosebumps spreading from where his breath hit my skin.

"I missed you too. So, so much." I buried my face into his neck, relishing in his natural scent of caramel and smoke.

"Oh, honey, there you are!" A woman's voice broke me out of my trance, and I lifted my head to see a worried Mitsuki and Masaru.

"Hey," I squeaked, choking back tears from the sudden rush of emotions.

I've never had a relationship with my mother, and I've never been close to my father. He's always been out working, or I've always been out training or patrolling. We've just never really had time to do father-daughter stuff.

But Mituki and Masaru.

I might not have known them for long, but they've always treated me with so much love and kindness. They truly treat me like their own child. Seeing them now, looking so worried for me, just made me feel so grateful to have them in my life.

"Kid, we were worried sick about you!" The woman practically pushed her son off of me, pulling me into a hug of her own. "When the brat told us what happened, we'd been asking the school for updates every day. Fuckers wouldn't give us anything, though."

"They were just doing their job, dear." Masaru placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "But I will say, it was greatly frustrating."

I softly chuckled as I opened my right arm, the man quickly taking the hint and joining the hug with his wife.

"Alright, get off her! I wanna see her again!" Katsuki shouted, trying to pull his mother off while his father stepped to the side.

"No! Y/n's mine now!" The woman taunted, making me chuckle.

"Fuck off, you have your person! Let me see mine!"

Mitsuki grumbled before kissing my temple, reluctantly letting me go and walking toward her husband as Katsuki quickly pulled me into another hug.

"Perhaps we should give these two a moment. Alone." My dad said, rising from his chair.

"Of course. Y/n, you must be starving. We'll see if there's something you'll be able to eat down at the cafeteria." Masaru nodded, looking at me.

"Sounds great, thank you." I smiled.

I watched as all four adults made their way out of the room, with Inko being last. I don't think anyone told her Katsuki and I were together, as she kept looking between the two of us with wide, shocked eyes.

"No one ever told my mother we were together," I mumbled, gripping my boyfriend's black t-shirt.

"I don't think we've told most people we're together. Though I think the shitty extras at school have pretty much figured it out by now." He grumbled as he picked me up once more, walking us to my hospital bed. "You shouldn't be on your fucking feet. You need to rest."

"Kat, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes, my chest feeling warm when he laid down beside me. I sighed as I took in the boy's tiered face, my fingers tracing the dark circles under his eyes before moving to cup his cheek. "How much sleep did you get?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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