Chapter 48

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A/n ~ Here's the long-awaited Baku fluff! So sorry for the wait but I'm really hoping it was worth it <3

"Hey, Grandma. How are they doin'?" I asked, glancing at Izuku and a passed-out Bakugo.

"They will be just fine. I was about to send this one on his way." She approached me, taking my hand and bringing me to Izuku's bed. "Now, sit, sit. I'm sure those heroes went extra hard on you."

"Well, they weren't exactly gentle," I grumbled, letting the woman kiss my forehead. "Thanks."

"Of course, dear. Now, run along, Izuku. Let your sister have a turn at resting."

"Oh, yeah, of course." Izuku quickly stood, allowing me to lie down. "Um, I was able to watch you're match from in here. You did great! When did you learn those new powers?"

"Thanks." I smiled. "I learned about them during my internship. Mine was with my- er, I guess our, Grandma. She showed me all of the different abilities of Witch, and we tested which ones I could use. Turns out, it's all of them."

"Wow! So, how many abilities do you have? What are they? Can everyone in our family do that amount? And how could you breathe in Ms. Midnight's smoke without passing out? It looked really thick!"

"Slow down, young man." Recovery Girl scolded. "Y/n needs her rest, just as you did. You can ask these questions at a later date. Now, it's getting late. I suggest you get going, before your mother starts to worry."

"Oh, right. Sure. Um, I'll see you later, then." Izuku gave me a hesitant wave, walking out of the room.

"Thanks, Grandma." I sighed, looking toward the woman.

"Of course. Now is not the time to be thinking about such things. You need to rest." She gave me a pointed look, making me give a small smile.


"Yes, ma'am."

I easily chose not to argue with the woman, closing my eyes, and quickly falling into a deep sleep.


I groaned as I slowly woke up, my bleary eyes looking around the room, finding Katsuki awake, sitting up in his bed, scrolling threw his phone.

"Hey," I mumbled, sitting up and stretching.

"Tch, took you long enough. You sleeping like the fucking dead." Bakugo grumbled, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"I'm surprised you didn't leave without me," I smirked.

"I was gonna, but that old hag chewed me out before I could escape." He grumbled.

"Hey, watch it. That's my grandma." I glaired.

"God, are you really related to every hero?" Bakugo groaned.

"Yeah, pretty much." I nodded. "Come on. I'm starving, and I wanna go home."

Bakugo just scoffed again as the two of us headed to the changing rooms, getting out of our hero clothes and changing into our school uniforms.

"I was wondering when you two would wake up." Aizawa's monotone voice shocked me as I opened up our classroom door, revealing the man sitting at his desk, grading papers.

"Were you waiting up?" I asked as Bakguo and I moved to put our cases away, then grabbed our backpacks.

"More or less. It's late. I'll give you kids a ride home."

"Thanks, Shota." I yawned, the man's first name slipping out before I could help it.

"Y/n..." He warned, making me roll my eyes.

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