Chapter 47

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"Midoriya. Practical Exam. Ready, Go!"

The buzzer went off right as I walked threw the entryway, my eyes scanning over the usual desolate landscape, finding large blocks of cement the size of skyscrapers scattered around every inch, seeming to create a labyrinth of sorts. With a deep breath, I walked into the maze, creating a small ball of energy.

It went out within a minute.

Aizawa never showed himself, but I knew he was close. He had to be if he was canceling out my quirk.

I continued walking, covering my nose and mouth with my scarf when a thick fog of smoke came threw, the sound of heels clicking making me stand on guard.

"My, my. Looks like I'm the lucky one, finding you first." Midnight's voice sounded, though I couldn't place which direction it was coming from.

"Actually, Aizawa found me first." I shrugged, turning in my spot.

My eyes widened as hands grabbed me from behind, my scarf being yanked up and over my head, leaving me defenseless to Midnight's quirk. I held my breath, quickly turning around to punch the woman, who dodged my attack, using her flog to slap my face.

I breathed in, but nothing happened.

Although I was confused, I decided to use this to my advantage. I started swaying in place, falling to my knees.

"Oh my. I thought you would put up more of a fight than that, hero." Midnight chuckled, walking up to me and grabbing my face. "Looks like the great Sage won't pass her final exam. How interesting."

As she leaned in, I lolled my head back, before quickly thrusting it forward, headbutting the woman right in the nose. Midnight yelled in pain as she stumbled backward, holding her now bleeding nose.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Auntie." I huffed, getting to my feet and charging forward.

Before Midnight was ready, I threw another punch to her face, then kicked her in the stomach, the impact being harder from my steeled-toe boots. Grabbing the woman's left hand, I took one of the four handcuffs attached to my belt, throwing it onto MIdnight's wrist before doing the same to the one nursing her injured nose.

"Looks like I put up more of a fight than you did," I smirked.

"As you're aunt, I'm mad that you broke my nose." She grumbled, letting me sit her down against one of the pillars. "But as your teacher, I say well done!"

"Thanks. Now, if you excuse me." I smiled, grabbing my scarf and walking off once more to find the next hero.

I continued to try and summon my energy balls, and as soon as Aizawa blinked, I teleported away with the hope of being able to use my quirk for longer, seeing as the man would now have to search the labyrinth to find me.

While I was right in that thinking, I was wrong in where I tried to land, ending up right in front of Cementoss himself.

"Ah, I was wondering if you'd be able to find me." The man remarked, creating a large barrier between him and me. "Well, try and come at me, Hero! See if you can do any better than your friends."

With a blank expression, I walked toward the thick wall of cement, placing my hand on it to feel just how far the hero was from me. Once I was able to guestimate, I teleported right behind the Cementoss, jumping onto his back and placing my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" I whispered, right before using my mental manipulation on the man.

"Now, drop the cement around us," I got into his mind, smirking when the hero did as ordered. "Thanks."

I quickly set to place the next set of cuffs on the hero, successfully catching half of my goal, if I didn't find the escape gate beforehand.

"Could you please drop the rest of the cement walls?"

I frowned when nothing happened, sighing at the realization that Aizawa must have finally found me. When he didn't jump out to reveal himself, I picked a path to walk through, following it as far as I could, before a pegged leg hit me square in the back, knocking me to the ground.

"You would think you'd have a better perception of that around you, hero."

"Yeah, well. We all know I don't have the best sense of my surroundings." I groaned, standing back up only to be kicked down again. Flipping onto my back, I took my scarf and wrapped it around the clone's leg, sending him falling to the ground. A different clone then appeared, gaining up with a third one to attack me.

I tried my best to fight back, using my scarf, daggers, fists, and feet to attack, but I was outnumbered ten to one. I could feel the bruises forming all over my body as I tried to defend myself, repeatably getting knocked down before I could even properly stand up.

But, just as I've been waiting for, Aizawa blinked.

And I used his weakness to my advantage.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of illusions of myself surrounded Ectoplams's clones and me, all doing different things. Some were running, some were pretending to fight, and some were scaling the cement walls in one way or another.

In the confusion, I teleported myself away, creating another illusion to make it look like I wasn't just standing out in the open, and now making it look like no one was even there. I steadied myself as I astral projected, leaving my body souring above everything, looking for both Ectoplasm's real body and Aizawa.

I was able to find the real Ectoplasm close to the escape gate, while Aizawa ran around the tops of the cement structures, trying to find the real me out of all the illusions.

Going back to my body, I teleported myself in front of Ectoplasm, wrapping my scarf around his upper half, grabbing the third set of cuffs, and securing them around his legs.

"That was clever. How did you manage to find me?" The hero asked.

"A little trick up my sleeve." I smiled, standing up.

The hero just hummed as I stood, trying and failing to summon an energy ball. I furrowed my brows as I looked around, not finding Aizawa anywhere.

Though the escape gate wasn't too far away.

Deciding to just make a run for it, I pushed my legs, propelling my body toward the gate. Aizawa got to me first, though, wrapping my body in his scarf, similar to how I just did with Ectoplasm, and tossing me up onto one of the larger pillars.

"I wonder how you'll try and worm your way out of this one," Aizawa said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You've only got five minutes."

"Shit," I mumbled, squirming around, and trying not to... fall...

My eyes widened at the sudden, albeit stupid, idea. I squirmed some more, getting myself to the edge of the wall.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I started tipping over.

"Something stupid," I mumbled.

I allowed myself to fall from the wall then, my body collided with Aizawa's and making the both of us tumble to the ground. The man blinked in surprise, and I used that moment to transform Aizawa's scarf into shredded fabric using my transmutation, punching the man in the face before using my mental manipulation to put him to sleep.

As soon as I placed the fourth and final set of handcuffs around the man's wrists, the buzzer went off, signaling the end of my exam.

"Midoriya has passed the exam. All matches for the practical portion of Class 1-A's final have now been completed."

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