Chapter 86

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"Come on, Katsuki. You need to get up for your provisional training." I chuckled to myself as I grabbed my hero boots from my closet, moving to sit on my bed to put them on.

"Why the fuck are you up before me?" The boy mumbled, so quiet I could barely hear him.

"Cause I've got to get to work, just like you've gotta get ready for your provisional training with Shoto. Come on, before you're late." I patted his leg once both my boots were on.

My boyfriend groaned as he slowly sat up in bed, and I couldn't keep my eyes away from his bare chest as he stretched his arms over his head. Katsuki gave me a knowing smirk as he leaned over to grab his hearing aids, quickly putting them in.

"See something ya like?" He teased, moving off the bed and grabbing his shirt from where it lay abandoned on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm looking at my hot boyfriend." I smiled, making Katsuki's cheeks burn red.

"God, you're so blunt about that." The blond grumbled as he threw his shirt on, making me frown a bit. "I gotta head to my room to change and shit. I'll just see you later, yeah?"

"Mmhm. Sounds good." I nodded, standing to give Katsuki a goodbye kiss. I tried to pull away but gasped in surprise as Katsuki tugged me back to his chest, bringing me into another deep kiss.

"Babe, I've really gotta go now." I smiled against his lips, trying and failing to get away from my clingy boyfriend.

"God, fine!" He pouted, finally releasing me. "I'll see ya later."

"Yeah, I'll see you later." I rolled my eyes with a smile as the boy grumpily stormed out of my room, almost slamming the door behind him.

God, I love him.


"How's everything going? See anything yet?"

"Not yet. Haven't even seen someone walk by the place. No one's come or gone since I've been here." I sighed over the phone, talking to Aizawa. I had been watching over a potential hideout of the Shie Hassaikai, watching from the roof of a tall building close by.

"Hopefully you just need to be patient. With any luck, you'll see someone walk out soon enough."

"Hopefully." I groaned, my eyes catching movement in the shadows. "Actually, I might have just got something. I'll call you back."

"Be careful–" I hung up my phone before Aizawa could properly finish, stuffing it into my bra as my eyes remained glued to a dark alleyway.

I watched from above as a man skitted out of his cover of darkness, quickly slipping a beaked mask on his face before walking up to a metal door and glancing around before giving a special rhythmic nock. The door was quick to open, and the man slipped inside without a word.

Glancing around myself, I pulled my phone back out and quickly sent my location to Aizawa and Nighteye, telling them what I just saw.


Good job. Now get back here so we
can discuss how to proceed.
9:28 am

With a deep breath, I quickly texted my response before silencing my phone and stuffing it back in its hiding spot.


I've gotta see what's going on in there.
I'll let you know what I find.
Don't worry, I'll be careful
9:29 am

I ignored the heavy feeling in my chest as I quietly scaled down the building I was hiding on, hiding in the alleyway's shadows similar to the Hassaikai member. I put an illusion over myself as I hesitantly walked up to the metal door, raising a shaky hand and knocking the same rhythm as the previous man. The door was quickly opened by another Hassaikai member, a different beaked mask hiding his identity.

"What the hell..." The man mumbled, his voice muffled behind the mask. Before he could shut the door, I quickly teleported into the building behind the man, trying hard to keep my breathing calm and steady.

"Who's there?" Another man walked up, almost running right into me.

"No one. I must be losing it. Been stuck answering the damn door for a week now." The first man grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's your last day for it. Just try not to lose it in front of the boss man."

Both men's voices faded as I made my way down the long, white hallways, my heart hammering in my chest the farther I went. Most of the rooms I passed were empty, not much being in them except for the few office spaces, medical rooms, and even a couple of bedrooms. I slipped into one of the medical rooms, seeing a large wall of different red vials spread around, each with a few numbers written on them. It almost looked like blood, with the numbers being the date they were taken.

I grabbed my phone once again, grateful I put it on silent upon seeing the dozens of texts from Aizawa and Nighteye. I took a few pictures of the vials, sending them off to both heroes instead of answering their panicked texts.

I made my way back into the hallway, pausing as I felt a pair of eyes on me. Looking around, I saw no one there, but strengthened my illusion a bit more just to try and make myself feel better. Continuing to walk down the halls, I couldn't get rid of the feeling of being watched until I turned a corner, finding two Hassaikai members guarding a heavy-looking metal door. I gulped as I stayed where I was, pressing myself against the wall as I tried taping into both men's brains to see what was behind that door. Find out what was so important that two men needed to guard it.

It was a little girl, looking scared and in pain as she wore a ratty old dress, her arms and legs wrapped up in dirty bandages.

"God, my head hurts." One of the guys grumbled, massaging his forehead.

"Same. Probably've just stood here for too long." The second man sighed.

With a shaky breath, I quickly walked backward, my eyes glued to the two men before gasping, falling onto the floor as I ran into something. Turning around, my eyes widened as four men blocked the hallway, each of them having their eyes trained on different parts of the floor.

My breath halted as I skidded back, about to teleport away when a rough hand grabbed hold of my ankle.

"I've got them!" A deep voice called out, harshly pulling me and bringing me up into the air, causing blood to shoot to my head.

"Come on. Let's take them to the room." Another cocked his head to the side.

"You should knock their head in a bit, first. Just so they can't get away. Maybe it'll drop the illusion, too." A third voice added, making my eyes widen.

I tried hitting the man with a death grip on my ankle with an energy ball, though the large man just grunted in pain, his grip tightening so much I think I heard a crack. I cried out in pain as the man cursed under his breath, switching me from his right hand to his left.

"God, little shit has another quirk or something. My hand stings like a bitch now." He waved his hand around, almost as if trying to shake the pain away.

I kept throwing around energy balls, successfully hitting two of the men and knocking one of them out.

"Hit 'em, already!" One of the Hassaikai shouted.

I gasped as my whole body swung in the air, the back of my head coming in direct contact with the wall behind me.

I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head as I lost consciousness. 

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