Chapter 9

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A/n ~ In honor of it being the last day of the year as well as the fact one of you wonderful readers liked every single chapter, I decided to post for you <3

As I approached the area the gazebo was in, my mind started to wander. I was worried about if this person would even be good for being All Might's successor. They would have some big shoes to fill after all, and it would be very stressful.

Also, Toshinori is not the best decision-maker out there. He can barely pick what toppings he wants on his pizza.

That thought makes my anxiety spike a bit. My mind kept swimming in 'what ifs'. As I started to mumble, coming up with worst-case scenarios, a figure appeared behind me.

"I AM HERE sneaking up on you from behind!" Toshinori yelled while in his All Might form, immediately coughing up blood after.

Not sensing his presence a second earlier and not expecting him to jump out at me, I shot up into the air from accidentally activating my quirk.

"Holly shit Toshi you almost gave me a heart attack!" I screamed coming down to the ground while clutching my chest, my heart feeling like it was about to explode.

"Apologies young Y/n, but you have to admit, I got you pretty good." Toshi flashed his signature All Might smile while leaning down to be eye level with me.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now get out of your All Might form we don't need you to lower your time frame in it more than it already is."

A huge cloud of smoke then appeared, and when it cleared it showed Toshinori in his 'weak' form.

"Thank you." I rolled my eyes. "So, I'm going to guess that you brought me here to meet your successor."

"That is correct. I believe you already know them too, but I will refrain from telling you until they are here."

I knew that he wouldn't straight up tell me, but it was still annoying that I had to wait. My only guess as to who it could be was one of the Big Three, specifically Mirio Togata. Toshinori is full of surprises though, so I could be wrong.

Now, I just have to wait.

Izuku's POV

I was currently on my way to meet All Might at our regular meeting place. He said he wanted me to meet someone, but didn't tell me who. All he said was that it was a 'friend of his'.

'Maybe I'll be able to meet someone All Might work's with! That would be so cool and such an honor to meet someone who works with All Might!' I thought, but I was interrupted by me bumping into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention and didn't see you there!" I closed my eyes and waved my arms around trying to help get my point across.

"Tch, whatever you damn nerd, just don't get in my way again."

"K-Kacchan?!" I finally noticed who I ran into.

I thought that he would threaten me, or push me around a little, but he just walked away.

'He must be in a good mood' I thought. 'I wonder what happened.'


When I finally got to the spot that All Might had been training me these past months, I heard two familiar voices talking, though I couldn't place where I knew one of them from. I tried to get a look, but All Might was blocking my view. It didn't help that he was still in his hero form.

I stayed back a little trying to make sure that he wasn't talking to a fan when All Might went down to his weak form. I walked over to him assuming that it was safe when I finally noticed who All Might was talking to and why their voice was so familiar.


Y/n's POV


"Young Midoriya! Kid! Come, I want to introduce, or in this case for you re-introduce, my niece, Y/n!" Toshi said getting into his hero form and flashing his signature smile.

"NIECE?!?" Izuku looked like he was about to pass out while I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

'Izuku is All Might's successor? How long have they been working together? Why did Toshi never mention him before?' Thighs raced through my head so fast I thought my head would spin.

"How- how long..?" I stuttered looking at both of them.

"If you mean how long have I worked with your brother, about 9, almost 10 months. As for how long I have known that he was your brother, two days." Toshinori said, his smile and hero form fading.

"How have you two been working together for so long and only NOW realize that he was my brother?? It's almost painfully obvious that we are related! The only difference is hair and gender! WE ALSO HAVE THE SAME. LAST. NAME." I screamed.

How could he be so clueless??

"I thought the last name thing was a coincidence! As for appearances, I didn't realize that you two looked near-identical until yesterday."

"Toshinori I am literally on your phone's wallpaper. How have you never noticed?" I facepalmed.

Toshi sweatdropped.

"So, have you given it to him yet?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Not quite, his body is not yet ready for the full power of One for All. I hope to give it to him before his U.A entrance exam."

"Wait wait wait," Izuku said, finally coming back to reality. "So she knows about you? And One for All? And how is she related to you All Might?? DOES THAT MEAN I'M RELATED TO YOU TOO?!"

"First of all, calm down before you pass out again. Secondly, I probably know a lot more about All Might than you do. Thirdly, no you are not related to Toshinori. Dad and Toshi are best friends and I've known him since before I can even remember, so he's like my honorary uncle.

I watched Izuku as he processed everything I had just told him.

"Speaking of your father, how have you been doing young Y/n? Have you seen him recently?" Toshinori asked with a sorrowful expression.

"I'm doing ok. You know better than I do that this isn't the first time he's ended up in the hospital for being careless. And I haven't seen him since he first got in there." I tried my best to smile, but anyone could tell that I was forcing it.

"I see. Hisashi does seem to find himself in a lot of sticky situations. On a different note, how has your training been going for your entrance exam? You take yours a week before young Midorya here, right?"

"I think so yeah. Training has been going well as usual. Everyone has helped a lot with everything. Especially Aiz-Shouta, he really helps with my hand-to-hand combat." I didn't know if Aizawa wanted to be involved right now, so I decided to use his first name.

"Well, your brother here has been cleaning up this beach for a lot of his strength training. If you are up for it, would you like to help him clean, or even help train him? I would greatly appreciate it!"

"Yeah! Please help train me! It would be so cool to learn from someone who was taught by pros!" Izuku shouted.

"Um, ok, sure. When do you plan on meeting again?"

"Tomorrow at 10:00 am. We always meet here." Izuku said, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Sounds good." I chuckled.

"Wonderful! Now, how about we all go home, it has been a long night. Y/n, do you know the way back? If so I'll race you like we used to!" Toshi said getting back into his All Might form.

"Sounds good Toshi. See you tomorrow Izuku!" I said running off and getting a head start. When I saw Toshi running up behind me, about to catch up, I quickly used my quirk to shoot myself into the sky, jumping from building to building.

It felt nice to have the wind in my hair. I always loved this feeling. 

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