Chapter 74

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All the students were quick to rush off, some of them going as one large accidental group forward, while others broke off, heading toward other areas of the arena.

"Right, so, uh... Try to get this over quickly for me, yeah?"

"When it comes to saving innocent lives, experience really does make a difference," Aizawa mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"That's part of what worries me. When it comes to Class 1-A, they're more used to fighting villains than they are with anything rescue-related." I said.

"Wow, you two really seem to have no hope in your class, what's up with that?" Joke loudly asked, making me cringe a bit.

"It's not that I don't have hope in them–"

"Speak for yourself."

"I am, now shut up." I slapped Aizawa's arm, and Joke burst out laughing for a second. "I'm just saying that they don't have the most experience in this. And some of them are still working through some... behavioral issues."

"It that's what you want to call it."

"Yes, that's what I want to call it, that's why I called it that." I flicked the man's hand, and his eyes glowed a threatening red as his hair stood tall.

"Hahaha! If I didn't know better I'd think you two were father-daughter!" Joke laughed.

Aizawa and I looked at each other, neither of us saying much as we both shared a small smile before looking back down at the students below.

My classmates seemed to have finally figured out that the best course of action for this test was to split up. After a few minutes of students all around seeming to successfully rescue bystanders, one of the walls to the arena below completely blew up, along with a few other places around the arena.

"A villain has completed another large-scale attack."

The dust cleared a bit, revealing Gang Orca and a large group of his sidekicks.

"The terrorists have appeared and are beginning to sweep the area. Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the newly arrived villains."

"Even for a pro, this would be difficult. They're going a little far, I'd say." Aizawa crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't agree." I shook my head. "I think it's good that they have to quickly figure out what to do in this situation."

"Sage, didn't both fight and rescue back in Kamino?" Joke asked, though her voice was softer than it had previously been.

"Yeah. When I took a step back from fighting All For One." I nodded. "It's difficult for sure, but not impossible. They just need to know how to work together properly."

The three of us watched as Shindo, a kid from Jokes class, ran toward the proclaimed villains, using his quirk to break the ground beneath their feet, causing them to halt their running. Gang Orca was quick to get in front of the boy, using his ultrasonic wave on the boy and knocking him back, paralyzing him.

"Whoa, dang, look at that. He's going all out." Joke fretted, standing from her seat and placing her hands on the row in front of us.

"I wonder."

A large wave of ice headed straight for Gang Orca, who defended with another sonic blast. Shoto was quick to freeze Orca's henchmen to the ground, Inasa knocking them all back with his own quirk. Both boys then went to attack at the same time, Inasa's wind blowing Shoto's fire away from Gang Orca.

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