Chapter 55

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By the time Class B joined us, we'd already been working on our quirks for at least two hours. All of my classmates were spread out in the camp, doing what they could to strengthen their quirks.

"Now take it easy, Y/n! Just try to run to Bakugo and back to me!" Ragdoll, another one of the Wild Wild Pussycats, looked at my body.

For my "exercise", I was in my astral form, and Ragdoll was watching over my body, giving me different things for me to try and do while separated. It was almost like she was teaching a child how to walk on their own. I had already successfully stood on my own and walked a few paces, and now was focusing on running. Once I got all that down, I would be trying to use my other quirks while in my astral form.

"Watch it, Witch!" Katsuki barked as I accidentally ran into his barrel full of water.

"Sorry!" I apologized, the boy letting out a "tch" as he rolled his eyes.

"Great job, Y/n! Now, come on back to me."

I took a deep breath as I concentrated on my body, turning myself around and forcing myself to run back to Ragdoll.

"I think you've gotten the hang of it. Let's try the bigger stuff now. Try and form a couple of illusions."

Illusion-making came easy, seeing as I didn't really need to focus on my body for it. After that, I worked on transmutation, reality warping, time manipulation, telekinesis, and mental manipulation; all of which took a little bit of time for me to work out.

"Come on, Y/n! If you can teleport when you're half asleep, you can teleport when you're not in your body!" Ragdoll yelled at me. "Pretend you're getting chased by a villain! Teleport away to safety!"

I thought of any time I would be in a bad situation with a villain, needing to teleport to Aizawa for backup or help. Using that motivation, I was able to teleport my body.

"Um, so, where'd you go?" The green-haired woman tilted her head, looking around the campgrounds.

Even though I wasn't in my body, I could feel my face heat up as I heard Bakugo let out a shout of surprise. "Witch! I hate it when you do that! Get your body away before I blast it!"

I quickly teleported my body back to Ragdoll, who gave me a curious look upon seeing where I ended up.

"Okay... let's move on!" She clapped her hands together. "Energy manipulation! Ready, go for it!"

I started small, gathering a small ball of energy in the palm of my hand before gradually making it larger.

"Come on, I've seen you do better than that!" The hero cheered, and I pushed myself so hard that my shouting actually came from my body, a large beacon of energy surrounding my body and erupting into the air above.

"Yes! I knew you could do it!" Ragdoll jumped up and down in excitement as I panted, my body shaking a bit as the energy slowly dissipated. "All right, there's one more ability to try before we start all over! Elemental manipulation!"

I hovered above my body as it sat down, my hands touching the ground below.

"Lift the ground up, Y/n! As high as you can get it!"

My body took a deep breath as the ground below me started to have a greenish hue, the land shaking a bit as it rose. Ragdoll's eyes widened as the ground under my body went from slowly rising to skyrocketing into the air, my whole body being surrounded by green as my hair flew all around my head.

"Um, okay, Y/n! I think that's high enough!" The hero shouted, sounding a bit nervous. "Now come back down!"

Just as fast as I had risen, I quickly lowered myself back to the ground, the risen land going right back into the earth below.

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