Chapter 78

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"Katsu, you've gotta let go."



"Shut the fuck up and let me sleep."

"You're on house arrest, you're not allowed to sleep."

I poked the blond's forehead as his grip on me tightened, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Fine! Don't say I didn't try."

"What the fuck are you– Shit!"

I chuckled in amusement as I watched Katsuki fall to the floor, having teleported us out of bed. While I landed on my feet, Katsuki fell right on his ass.

"What the fuck was that for?!"

"I needed to get up. I'm gonna be late for class." I rolled my eyes.

"Tch, didn't need to throw me out of the fucking bed." He grumbled, standing up and dusting invisible dust off his sleep pants.

"Kinda did, seeing as you wouldn't let go of me." I raised a pointed brow, causing Katsuki's ears to turn pink.

"Shut up and leave already."

"Don't say that as if you won't miss me," I smirked, watching the boy stomp back to bed, plopping down on it with his arms crossed.

"Fuck off."

"Yeah, I'll miss you too." I rolled my eyes, walking up and grabbing the hothead's chin, placing a chased kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you later."

Dropping my arm, I grabbed my phone off the side table and teleported back to my room, my phone ringing a second later.

"What, Katsuki?"

"Get back here, Witch." He growled, sending a shiver up my spine.


"Just fucking do it."

I sighed as the asshole hung up the phone and teleported back to his room. I let out a surprised gasp as Katsuki quickly grabbed my arms, pulling me into him so we were chest to chest.

"What the hell, Kat?!"

"You missed."

"What?" I looked up at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You. Missed."

My eyes widened before fluttering shut as Katsuki cupped my face, bringing me into a long, deep kiss.

"You missed."


"Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and move promptly into position. I want to see order!" Iida shouted at our class as we walked through the school halls, with me in the front leading everyone.

"Uh. You're the only one who's not in line." I heard Sero point out, making several of us snicker.

"Ah! The dilemma of a class deputy!"

"I heard a little rumor about Class 1-A." The annoying blond from Class 1-B leaned against a wall in front of us. "Two people! You had two people fail the licensing exam, you losers!"

"Monoma from Class B," Sero grumbled as Denki's eye twitched.

"He's just as unhinged as usual."

"Bet you were the only one in your class to fail." Kiri butted in. "Just like in the final, huh?"

Monoma held his sides as he laughed, before turning around in silence.

"That wasn't an answer!"

"Ha! Actually... Every one of us passed." The egomaniac posed as the rest of his class appeared behind him. "We've pulled ahead of you big shots."

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