Chapter 10

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I ended up winning the race home, but unlike Toshi, I had time on my side. I assumed that his All Might form gave up on him about halfway through his run, and my suspicion was proven right when I got a text saying that he was just going to get a car to take him the rest of the way home and to not wait up.

Right as I stepped inside, the smell of (f/f) hit my face. I ran into the kitchen to find Aizawa finishing dinner.

"Hey, how was your 'meeting' with Toshinori?" He asked, not turning around so he could continue finishing the meal.

"It was... something. I would tell you about it, but I'm not sure if Toshi would want me to or not. Sorry..."

"It's alright. Speaking of, where is he? Shouldn't you too have come back together?" The sleep-deprived man asked, setting the food down on the table.

"We raced here but he ended up overdoing it, so Toshi got a car to take him the rest of the way home." I shrugged sitting down.

"You used your quirk?? Y/n you know how I feel about you using your quirk out in public when you're not in your hero suit." Aizawa said, giving me a look. You know. The look that says 'I know you know better than to do the thing, and yet you still did the thing even though you know you're not supposed to'. Yeah, that one.

"I know I know, but it's not like your agency gives me many times to go patrolling, which I know is your fault," I scowled at him "so it's not like I'm really recognized!"

"You don't go on many patrols, and yet you still somehow managed to make it into the top 50 for this year's hero polls."

"Ok, first of all, I'm only ranked 31. Secondly, you can't blame me for the news catching me saving that bank from those robbers," I said shoving food into my face.

"You also disABLED the BOMB in that bank when it was about to DETONATE!!" Aizawa looked like he was about to explode himself.

"It's not like I got hurt!" I tried to defend myself, but I knew that I would lose. I almost never win against Aizawa. I can win against almost anyone else in my family, except. Him.

It sucks ass.

"You broke a rib!"

"I only cracked it! Grandma fixed it in one session!"

"Y/n, you cannot rely on Recovery Girl for everything." The man pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I don't! You and dad are the ones who still make me get those stupid checkups!"

"Those are different. They help make sure that your quirk never gets to be too much for you to handle." Aizawa said, finally starting to eat.

I was about to say something, but the door swinging open cut me off.

"I AM HERE after getting a ride home." Toshi yelled, poofing into his All Might form.

"Hello, Toshinori." Aizawa lazily said while rolling his eyes. He always thought that All Might was a show-off and does too much to be in the public eye. Though that coming from the man who likes to stay in the shadows.

I looked over at Toshi, still eating, and mumbled, "I won."

"Haha yes, you did young Y/n." He chuckled, now deflating into his normal form. "I seem to be getting too weak to be able to go that long a distance nowadays."

"You're going to need to take some time from your hero work if it keeps getting this bad Toshi. At this rate, your power will be gone by the end of the year." I said helping myself to seconds while Toshi made his own plate.

"Perhaps you are right, but I can not just sit by while others are calling me for help."

"You never change, do you?" I chuckled.

~Time skip to after dinner - Y/n is just looking at random shit on her phone while lying in bed and listening to music~

*Knock knock* "Hey Y/n, can I come in?" I heard Aizawa's voice on the other side of my door.

"Yeah, come on in."

"Hey, I want to talk to you about something."

"Ok... what's up?" I asked.

"Well, school is coming up in about a month, and you will obviously get into U.A. Because of this, I would like to... to throw out an idea for if your father does not wake up," Aizawa said, sitting at my desk and avoiding all eye contact with me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Your father already had the plan to buy a house closer to the school when the time came around, and he actually did just that about a week or two ago. He wanted to keep it a surprise for now but, it seems like a good time to tell you that. Anyway, I was thinking that you can still move all of your belongings into the new house, and me and everyone else can help move some of your father's belongings and other things you want to bring to the new house. Your father is still  keeping this house, so we won't move everything-"

I cut him off before he could ramble any longer. "Ok I get the whole I'm moving thing, but what was your idea for if he doesn't wake up soon?"

"I spoke with some of the others to get their opinions, and they all thought it would be a good idea. The idea was to let you live with me for the remainder of your father being in his coma when the school year starts. You already have a room there, so you don't have to move much, and I live close to as well as work at the school, so you don't have to worry about any of that."

"...ok" Aizawa's head shot up as he finally looked at me. "I mean you're already like my second dad, so I don't see a reason why not." I shrugged.

The look on his face... I don't think I have ever seen him smile that big and genuinely before.

"Ok! Well, if he doesn't wake up by the end of next week, you can start moving some of your things into my apartment. For the time being, it can all start going into the new place."

"Sounds good! I'll start packing tomorrow."

"Ok, but don't forget about your training with your aunt and uncles this week. They want to make sure you're prepared for your entrance exam."

"Ok, I'm also training a bit with Toshi. I have a lot to do this week." I huffed.

"Well, it's getting late, so you might want to start heading to bed." Aizawa started to get up and leave.

"Ok, goodnight!"


This is going to be a busy week.

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