Chapter 6

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I don't know how long I was out, but I was suddenly woken up from my delightful slumber by my driver.

"Miss Midoriya, we're here. I let Mr. Todoroki know so he should be on his way out to get you."

"Thanks, Ukai. See you next time." I said dragging my tired body out of the car. On my way up to the house, I ran into Shoto so he walked me in to make sure I didn't just pass out on the floor.

Sadly, on our way to Sho's room, we walked by the person I desperately wanted to avoid. Endeavor.

"(Y/n). I see you are back. Sometimes I think you are my own child with how much you are over here." He said practically glaring at me.

"Enji, I am too tired to put up with your shit right now so can you please just fuck off." I said walking right past him.

Enji looked at me looking like he was about to explode from rage while Shoto was trying his best not to laugh at his father's expression.

The two of us finally reached Sho's room. When he opened the door, I went straight to his bed and collapsed on it.

"Do you want to talk about family dinner or should that wait since it looks like you could pass out at any second." Shoto asked, chuckling.

I didn't even respond. I just stood up, walked over to his dresser, pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt, went to the bathroom to change, and then walked back into Sho's room and got underneath the covers of his bed. Sho just laughed at me while getting his own sleepwear, which was pretty much the same as what I was now wearing, and laid down next to me.

"You still have to tell me what happened in the morning. Don't think you can get out of it." He said, starting to drift off to sleep.

I just groaned in response. Soon, me and Shoto both fell asleep.

~Time skip to the morning~

I woke up alone in Shoto's room. I went to check my phone and saw I had 12 missed text messages and 4 missed calls with 3 voicemails from Aizawa and one text from Toshinori. There was also a text from Sho saying he was downstairs and that his sister made breakfast.

When I tell you I sprinted downstairs nearly breaking my ankles. Shoto's sister, Fuyumi, is one of the best cooks I have ever met. She learned everything from her mom. You could practically taste the love she puts into the food she makes. It's heavenly.

I finally got to the kitchen and when I saw the food on the table, I got hearts in my eyes and the biggest smile came across my face. I immediately sat down and started to fill my plate.

"Good Morning sleepy head. I knew you would rush down here the second you knew breakfast was made." Fuyumi said laughing at me as I stuffed my face.

"Only for your food Fuyumi, only for your food." I said.

After everyone was done with breakfast, me and Shoto took a walk to talk about everything that happened yesterday.

"So that was your mom?!" Shoto said, showing an expression on his face for once.

"Yeah, and I apparently have a brother too. I think you would like him."



"Are you doing ok?" Sho said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I think so. They're not bad people and her and my dad seem to have a good reason as to why we were separated, so it's hard to be mad at anyone."

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