Chapter 53

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It took me about three hours to get to camp, just as Mandalay had said. I had tried teleporting several times, but it was hard to do so when I couldn't exactly see where I needed to end up. Instead, I mainly used my elemental manipulation to push trees and bushes out of my way, granting me a clear path. I also used it to quickly take down any forest beast that came in my way, though they didn't give me much trouble in the first place.

"Y/n. Where's the rest of your class?" Aizawa asked, walking up to me.

"Don't know. I got separated from them toward the beginning of the walk."

Aizawa hummed in understanding. "Well, you can come in and unload your stuff from the bus. Have something to eat. I'm sure they'll be a while more."

I did as Aizawa suggested, getting the first pick of bunks in the 1-A girls shared bedroom. After doing all of that, I sat outside on the steps to the building with a snack, waiting for the rest of my classmates to show up.

I got bored after the first 15 minutes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Aizawa boredly asked, standing behind me as I sat on the ground.

"Just... doin' some meditating." I lied.

"Just don't give them too much help." He sighed, making me chuckle.

"We'll see." I shrugged, getting into my astral form and taking off.

It took me a while to find them, but it helped a lot when I suddenly heard Katsuki scream my name from a mile away, his explosions shaking the trees.

"Where the hell did that Witch go?!"

I chuckled as the worn-out-looking group trudged through the forest. I floated my body down to the group, just floating above the crowd.

"Bakugo, man, calm down! It's Y/n were talking about. I'm sure she's fine." Kirishima threw his arm around Bakugo's shoulder, the blond quickly throwing it off.

"Yeah, Katchan! Y/n's one of the strongest in our class! If anything she might have already made it to camp, considering her history with the Pussycats." Izuku smiled, though retreated upon seeing Baugo's heated glare.

"I'm not worried about her, you dumb ass'!"

"You sure man? Cause it sounded like you were freaking out just a second ago." Denki teased.

"Shut it, dunce's face! I'll kill you!" He made small explosions in his palm.

"God, Bakuhoe, you need to stop threatening people." I rolled my eyes, slapping Bakugo's shoulder assuming that my hand would just go right through.

That didn't happen though, and Bakugo stopped in his tracks as my hand clearly hit him.

"Dude, why'd you stop?" Kirishima asked, having just run into the boy.

"Shut it," Katsuki grumbled, looking around.

Hesitantly, I placed my hand on Bakugo's shoulder, my eyes widening as I successfully touched his arm.

"What the hell. Witch! Where are you?!"

"Bakugo, I am sure Y/n is fine! She's our class president for a reason!" Iida flung his hand about.

"Shut up, four eyes, that's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?" Ojiro asked.

"Just..." Bakugo trailed off, obviously not knowing how to explain that I was here, but not here.

"Witch, if you're here, slap the pervert."

"What?! Why me- Ow!" Mineta shouted, holding his reddened cheek. "What the hell was that?!"

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