Chapter 94

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I felt my quirks power swirl around me as I faced Chisaki, Eri wrapped snuggly around my torso. Summoning a large ball of pure energy. I threw it at the villain, causing him to jump up to avoid the attack.

"You're gonna need to do better than a little ball, Sage." He growled, flailing his arms around to try and grab me.

"Oh, I plan to."

Chiaki's eyes widened as my voice echoed in his head. Holding my hands out to my side, I used my reality-warping power to change Chisaki's appearance, returning him to his original form. I trapped the villain in an energy bubble, holding him in place as I descended from the sky and landed in front of him.

"Do you know all that I can do?" I asked, slowly walking up to the man as he examined his body. "I can change anything I want, to be anything, I want. I can get inside your head. Make you go mad. I can manipulate time itself. I can do anything. I can be anything. And I will be your worst nightmare."

"Do your worst. You can't kill me, you're a hero!"

"Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya." I shook my head, placing my hand on the energy field. "I'm just gonna make you lose your mind. You're gonna be declared insane, once I'm done with you."


Before Chisaki could even finish his thought, I tapped into his mind, forcing him to relive his worst memories. When his parents died. Whenever he got beat up as a child. When his master became comatose. I made him feel every pain he ever felt, causing him to scream out in pain, collapsing to his knees as he clutched his head.

"You took everything from her!" I shouted, letting the barrier go and storming up to him, grabbing the color of his shirt. "She's just a little girl, and you hurt her! Ripped her to pieces just to put her back together. What kind of sick fuck does that?!"

Quickly pulling my free hand back, I punched the asshole square in the nose, causing his head to shoot back. Chisaki groaned in pain, his hand slowly reaching up to grab me. I could tell he tried to use his quirk on me, but with Eri's quirk working overtime, I was unharmed.

"You won't hurt me."

Another punch.

"You won't hurt Eri."

Another punch.

"You won't hurt anyone ever again."

Another punch.


I stopped upon hearing the small voice, looking down to see Eri's body slowly start glowing a blinding gold, causing my body to shake. I took a small step back before my legs gave out, and Chisaki's body collapsed to the ground, the man barely moving.

"Sage!" I heard Uraraka shout, the girl rushing over to me.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" I yelled before she got too close. "Take Chisaki! Just don't get too close to me!"

The girl hesitantly nodded, using her training from Gun Head to grab hold of the villain. I grunted in pain as Eri's power went farther than it should, and I pushed my own quirk to work overtime so all that her quirk would do is heal any injury I was giving myself. I saw the little girl's eyes turn pure white as I refused to let her go, her gold power overtaking my green.

But before I knew it, it was over.

I allowed myself to fall to my side, making sure not to land on Eri in the process. Looking up, I saw Tsu with Aizawa, the man having used his quirk to erase Eri's.

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