Chapter 26

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"The first game for the first years is finally over, and what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?"

Everyone watched the screen as Izuku's face popped up on the screen behind Midnight, showing the number 1. Then it was mine, with a 2, then Todoroki with a 3, then Bakugo with a 4, and so on and so forth. I was pleased that all of class 1-A was able to get through to the second round, with seemingly everyone from class 1-B as well.

Though, Aoyama did come in 42nd, or last place for the ones headed through to the second round.

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best! Let's see what we have in store for you next."

Midnight swished her flog, the bored behind her spinning as it decided what it was going to have us students do next.

"Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves... for this!" Midnight moved to the side, showcasing the sign for the next game, "Cavalry Battle".

"Calvalry battle? I'm terrible at those." I heard Denki wine.

"It's not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up." Tsu wondered aloud.

"Allow me to explain." Midnight regained our attention, looking at the board that now showed a picture of Thirteen and Present Mic carrying All Might. "The participants will form teams of two-to-four people as they see fit."

"I really want that photo as my new phone background." I mumbled to Bakugo, who humored me with an amused-sounding "Tch".

"In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."

"I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams. That seems pretty simple." Sato muttered.

"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it."

"Uh-huh!" Mina agreed with Uraraka.

"Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you." Midnight yelled at everyone. "Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first-place contestant is... ten million!"

Everyone's eyes instantly shot to Izuku, each and every student coming up with the same conclusion.

They had to get Izuku's points.

"That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top! First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by. The game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them.

"And another thing. Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up. This is going to be rough. You may use your quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules! Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified!"

I heard Bakugo let out a "Tch" beside me, making me lightly slap his chest with a smirk.

"Now, you've got 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started."

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