Chapter 32

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I blankly watched as Izuku got carried off by some robots, taking him to Recovery Girls' office.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Do you need to go to Recovery Girl too?" Midnight asked, walking over to me. Her mic thankfully wasn't on, so I didn't have to worry about the crowd hearing. "Y/n, dear?"


"Do you need to see Recovery Girl?" Nemuri tried again, placing a hand on my shoulder as she crouched down a bit to look me in the eye.

"No. No, I'm okay." I slowly shook my head.

The woman gave me a skeptical look before hooking her arm with mine, gently pulling me back towards the tunnel I entered from.

"Bakugo, please bring Y/n to the student section. Make sure no one bothers her."

I didn't even notice I was in front of Bakugo until a warm hand replaced Midnights, leading me out of the tunnel. Neither of us said anything as we walked, Bakugo leading the way while I mindlessly followed.

Eventually, he opened a door, revealing an empty office-type space, making me furrow my brow in confusion.

"I thought we were going back to the student section?"

"With you acting like this? The others will ask too many questions." Bakugo shut the door, pushing me to sit in the cushioned seat behind the desk while he took the hard one on the other side.

"I... I didn't think I held that much resentment for Izuku." I admitted after a moment of silence. "I thought we were fine, at the very least. I may not visit or anything, after school, but... we're friendly, during."

"What were you two talking about out there?"

I don't think I've ever heard Katsuki's voice be so soft.

"He told me how he envied me for being able to have this amazing quirk that pro heroes have been amazed by since I was little. I told him how I envied the fact he had a mother who didn't make him feel abandoned. Feel like you were some monster."

"She made you feel like that?" Bakugo asked, looking a bit shocked.

"We don't have to talk about this." I shook my head. "I know you probably know Inko decently well. You probably don't want me to talk bad about-"

"Screw what I think." He cut me off. "She made you sad, and you've obviously never gotten over it."

My lips pulled in to form a tight line as a long sigh left me, my eyes moving to my now fidgeting hands on my lap.

"When I was young, I would ask my dad why all my friends had two parents, but I didn't. He would always dramatically respond with, "What, is your old man not good enough for you? Do I need to try harder with being a single parent? Should I see if Shota will stay over more? Maybe he can be like your mom!" I would always laugh, say no, and that he was doing great on his own. That it was just a question.

"We would both drop it from there, moving to talk about something else.

"But one time, my dad was having a bad day. Things weren't going well with some case of his. But I was young. I didn't understand that. So, I asked again. "Why do all my friends have two parents, but I only have one?"

"He didn't yell at me or anything. Didn't say anything nasty. He just stared into space, looking down at the ring on his left finger that he never took off. This happened when I was about four or five, and I still had some trouble with my powers. Especially my telepathy."

"You saw something?"

I gulped as I nodded, my eyes tearing up as I thought back to that night.

"I saw a taller woman, standing in front of my dad. She looked so much like me. Her facial expression, though, showed nothing but horror. She yelled things at a young me, who was crying on the floor, reaching into the air. She looked so panicked, not getting near me while she tried to use her own quirk to get something out of the air.

"I didn't learn until over the summer, around the time I met you, that I had accidentally floated Izuku high into the air. We were two years old. When Dad was finally able to get me to bring him down, Inko grabbed him, pulling him into her and turning her back on me. Turning her back on us."

I fought back tears as I gripped my pant legs, my eyes still never leaving my hands.

"When I found out about Izuku, at first, I was happy. I mean, I thought it was the coolest thing that I had a secret twin brother! But the more I've been thinking about it, the more jealous I get that I was the one of us that got the short end of the stick.

"I mean yeah, Izuku had no dad, no friends, and no quirk. I'm not saying that's okay. But I had no mom, I was taken away from my friends from being a danger to them. I had a quirk that, when not being trained and tested, was paraded around like I was some sort of show pony. I don't think I've ever been able to just... stop."

Once again, Bakugo didn't say anything, but I also didn't expect him to.

"Since I poured my heart out, could you tell me something?" I asked, finally looking at the boy,


"Why do you hate Izuku so much?" Bakugo froze in his seat, his own hands tightening into fists.

"He looked down on me. He was always looking down on me, that quirkless loser. Like I was weak. Like I was someone who needed pity. I didn't need sympathy from someone beneath me!" Bakugo shook as he talked, and I could tell he was reliving some core memory from his past.

"Hey." I reached my hand out, but didn't pressure him to take it. "I know how strong you are. I know you know how strong you are. Why does it matter so much if someone who you never cared for thinks you need sympathy?"

Katsuki didn't say anything, just stared at my extended hand.

"Did you care about Izuku, at one point?"

"We were always in the same class. He stuck around me like a thorn in my side-"

"You know who you sound like?" I interrupted. "Todoroki, whenever I talk about how we've been friends since we were young."

"Tch, I'm nothing like that Icy-Hot bastard." He growled.

"No, I'm not saying you are, necessarily." I shook my head. "What I'm trying to say is... At one point, you and Izuku were friends. Then, I'm guessing you got your quirk, and he didn't. And while you started getting a big head about how great you and you're quirk are, he stayed as he always has been. A nice, kind kid, who almost never sees the bad in anyone."

I shook my head, perching my right foot on the seat and tucking my left underneath me, my elbow resting on my knee.

"It's like we were meant to be friends." I scoffed. "We both have deep routed issues with Izuku."

Bakugo scoffed, standing from his seat and taking my hand, pulling me up to stand.

"Come on, Witch. We should head back to the others. I wanna know who's ass I'm gonna kick in the third bracket." 

Twins | Bakugo x Y/n Midoriyaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن