Chapter 37

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"Please don't run!"

Ignoring the nurse at the reception desk, I bolted down the hallway, Bakugo and Todoroki behind me as I ran to my father's room, having had to stop to grab visitor pass' and check to see if he had been switched rooms.

As soon as I found the right door, my feet skidded to a stop, my hands reaching out to open it before hesitating, pulling back a bit.

The boys stayed silent behind me as I stared at the doorknob, as if willing it to open by itself.

Which, I mean, I could do. But that's beside the point.

I took a deep breath before reaching out again, my hand barely touching the handle before the door flung open, Dad's doctor being revealed.

"Ms. Midoriya. I was wondering when you would make an appearance. He's still awake, so you're free to see him. I believe your mother had just gone to get herself a drink."

I dumbly nodded as he stepped out of the room, looking down at the papers in his hands as he walked down the hall.

"Oh!" The doctor quickly turned around. "Also, I saw you three on the television for the sports festival! Congratulations, all three of you. I'm sure you'll all make strong heroes."

Bakugo let out a huff behind me as Todoroki let out a small "Thank you" for us all, my eyes quickly moving to look into the room I had quickly started to despise.


Brown eyes met my green, which began to water upon seeing my dad, sitting up in bed.


"Dad..." I mumbled, rushing into the room and throwing my arms around the man's shoulders.

He gave a small groan from my attack, though just as quickly threw his arms around my waist, pulling me more onto his hospital bed.

"Oh, kid, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention, I didn't see the villain coming. They were switching out his cuffs-"

"It's okay." I quickly cut him off. "I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault."

"I saw you and your friends on T.V. The nurse told me you asked for the Sports Festival to be playing in my room. I'm glad you did. My daughter, first place winner!" He pulled away with a smile, looking behind me to the doorway. "And Shoto, I saw you got third! You're Father may be feeling differently, but I'm quite proud of you. Especially seeing those flames you've been hiding from everyone!"

"Dad." I frowned.

"I know, I know." He nodded to me, looking back at the door.

"Thank you, sir." Shoto bowed a bit.

"Oh, come on, now, Shoto. I've known you since you were just a boy! Come give this old man a hug!"

A minuscule smile appeared on Shoto's face as he walked forward, my dad pulling him into a hug.

"I'm glad you're alright, Mr. Hisashi," Shoto mumbled.

"I am too." Dad nodded, the two pulling away.

"I saw you too, young man. Bakugo, is it? You put on quite the show, I'll give you that. Congratulations on getting second place."

"Thanks." Bakugo awkwardly grunted, stiffening a bit when the attention was put on him.

"You seem close to my daughter. How'd you two meet?" Dad asked, his eyes boring into Kaksuki's.

"We met when I was... when I was walking Inko's. Bumped into him." I said, mumbling the last bit.

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