Chapter 61

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Dad had come in at some point, waking the two of us up. Apparently, Bakugo had to go home, as Aizawa and All Might were making the rounds of all the students' houses to talk about moving everyone into school dorms. He had left at some point when I had fallen asleep, resulting in me waking up in a slight panic.

"Why did he have to leave?!" I tightly gripped my blanket, my eyes darting from my dad to Recovery Girl. "He could have stayed here! With me! He didn't need to go!"

"Y/n, the meeting is about him. He needed to go home. His parents probably want to see him, anyway." Dad carefully told me, acting as if he was walking on eggshells.

"But they could visit him here! What if something happens to him?! I'm still stuck here, I won't be able to help!"

"Y/n, dear, I think you should take a deep breath–"

"I don't need to take a deep breath, Grandma! I'm fine!"

"Hun, you're eyes are glowing." Dad pointed out.

"I said I'm fine!"

My eyes started to water as my breathing picked up, everything in sight seeming to turn green.

"Recovery Girl!"

"I know, dear, I know."

I tensed as I felt a prick in my arm, slowly deflating as my mind fogged, my eyes dropping as my body fell back onto the bed.

And everything went dark.


"Ms. Midoriya?"

I pried open my eyes, quickly closing them when I was met with the harsh hospital lights. I groaned as I tried to lift my arm, quickly giving up with how heavy it felt.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that. You seemed to have been having a panic attack, so Recovery Girl gave you a sedative. She was worried about your emotions triggering your quirk. You should feel back to normal very soon, so try not to worry." The man said, grabbing my clipboard from the foot of my bed.

"It seems like Recovery Girl did some more work while you were out. I believe we should be able to get those tubes out after one more session with her. And when that happens, you should be able to go home."

"Great," I mumbled.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, Doctor." A woman said, and I strained my eyes to look toward the door.

"No, you're quite alright, Mrs. Midoriya. I was just letting Y/n know when she should be able to leave."

"Oh, great!" Inko smiled, pulling back the chair beside my bed and sitting down. The doctor didn't stay much longer, saying his goodbyes and closing the door on his way out.

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here, Y/n." Inko frowned, looking at her hands that sat in her lap. "It's just... I wasn't sure if you'd want me here. And– and Izuku wasn't home when I was watching the news, so I was worried about him, too! That's not to say I wasn't worried about you! It's just I knew that your father would be here for you, as well as some of those heroes that have been in and out–"

"It's fine, Inko." I sighed. "How's he doing, anyway?"

"Better than I would have thought." She admitted. "I assumed he would have been more... heartbroken. Defeated. I don't know."

"...He's stronger than you may think."

"Hm. To be honest, that's what worries me."

"So, what are you doing here, Inko?"

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