Chapter 5

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Bakugo and I walked in a comfortable silence the whole walk there.

I kept noticing that he was glancing at me every once and a while like he wanted to say something.

"If you have something to say just say it and stop staring at me." I bluntly stated. He quickly looked in front of him. When I looked up at him I noticed a small blush on his cheeks.

"WHY WOULD I WANT TO STARE AT YOUR DUMBASS??" He yelled, getting defensive.

"Whatever you say," I said rolling my eyes and chuckling, not wanting to deal with his shit at the moment.

About 5 minutes later, we stopped in front of an apartment complex. I tried to pull out the piece of paper from my pocket to see which apartment it was, but to my annoyance, it wasn't there.

"Ah shit," I said under my breath.

"What now?" Bakugo asked annoyed, looking like he already knew the answer.

"I think I dropped the paper with her apartment number when we were at the abandoned building, and I don't have her number to ask."

Bakugo just scoffed and wordlessly started walking into the complex. We walked up some stairs and down a hall until we ended up in front of a door with the name 'Midoriya' written above it. It surprised me how he still knew where they lived since it seems that he and Deku haven't been friends in a long time.

"Give me your phone," I said turning to him with my hand out.

"Why the fuck would I do that.?" He scoffed.

"So that I can put my number in. It was fun blowing shit up with you." I shrugged.

He hesitantly pulled out his phone. I put my number in and then texted myself so I had his, then gave it back.

"Thank you. For everything. It means a lot." I said smiling at him. He stared back at me before starting to walk away.

"Whatever, don't tell her that I was here. She would drag me in there with you and talk my fucking ear off."

"Will do!" I yelled back at him chuckling.

Right as I said that the door swung open, and there stood the woman I was trying to avoid earlier.

"(Y/n)! You're right on time! Dinner is almost ready." She said with a big smile on her face. "Was there someone else there with you? I thought I heard another voice outside." She then asked, peeking her head out the door.

"I met someone on the way here. He just helped me out a bit and walked me here. He had to leave though." I said.

"Oh, that's too bad. But I guess that's best for the moment. Come on in, I have to talk to you about something before we eat." She said leading me inside and to the dining room.

"If it's about my brother then I already know," I said looking at her. She immediately stopped walking and slowly turned to me, shock clearly on her face.

"What? How? Your uncle said that I should be the one to tell you."

"The guy I mentioned earlier, noticed that I looked like someone he knew and after a while, we connected the dots," I said, starting to get a tad uncomfortable and looking at anything but her.

"Oh thank goodness," Inko said sitting in a chair with one of her hands on her chest.

"What?" I quickly questioned.

"I was so scared of how you would take the news. I was afraid that once you found out you would stomp out of here and I would never see you again. That I would lose you again. But, you already know, and you still came!" She said, a few tears escaping her eyes with a huge smile on her face.

Twins | Bakugo x Y/n Midoriyaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن