Chapter 8

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The walk to the beach was pretty silent, though not awkward. I looked over at Bakugo and noticed that he had this weird look on his face, almost like he was thinking about something. I was debating on asking him about it, but he spoke before I could.

"Why did you and your shitty brother have to get split up?" The question was said so quietly that at first, I thought that I had heard him wrong. After a moment of me trying to figure it out, but by the way he was almost refusing to look at me, I assumed that he did.

"I'll tell you if you answer my own question after." I glanced at the boy beside me. Bakugo just rolled his eyes and then looked at me expectantly, waiting to hear what I had to say.

"From everything I've been told throughout my life and especially from yesterday, it was pretty much all my fault." I frowned thinking about it. It was true. It was my fault. Putting what I was told by my dad, Aizawa, and Inko when I was younger and today made it all make sense.

I told him everything.

Flashback to last night at Inko's house

"Hey mom, I have a question..." Izuku looked curiously over at Inko.

"What is it Izuku?"

"Well, why did Y/n have to be with dad and I have to be with you all these years? I'mnotsayingthatI'mnotgreatfullofyoutakingcareofmealltheseyears," Izuku started flailing his arms around trying not to make his words come off the wrong way. "What I mean is, did something happen to make you two separate? You never told me that you got a divorce, so I could be wrong, but it doesn't sound like you would separate because of marriage problems. Did something happen?"

"I know a little bit of what happened, but I could always tell that dad would purposely leave out details, so I don't know the full story either," I mentioned.

"It's a bit of a long story... I'm sure Hisashi didn't tell you the full story, Y/n, for the same reason I didn't tell Izuku the story." Inko started to mess with her hands, not fully looking at me or Izuku. "It was a normal day. Your father and I decided to take you two to the park for a bit since the weather was so wonderful that day. You two were two years old, about to turn three, so the park was a good way to let your energy out. Hisashi and I sat at a bench that was right beside the playground so that we could watch the two of you. You guys were over in the sandbox; you would always play with your hero action figures there. The two of you would fight over the All Might figure a lot." The woman laughed thinking back on her children arguing over the toy. "We both looked away from the two of you for a minute. Barely even that. But once we looked back over, Izuku wasn't sitting with Y/n anymore. Because of how small you were, we never looked up. We only did because Y/n started to look up at something in the sky and pointed. We first thought she saw a plane, or-or a bird. That is until we heard crying coming from up above."

Me and Izuku's eyes widened. I knew something happened with my quirk at a park when I was little, but I didn't know the specifics of what happened.

"At first, we thought it came from somewhere else in the park 'cause it stopped a moment later, so we both went over to Y/n to see if she was ok and see if she could point us in the direction Izuku was. While Hisashi was checking Y/n, I was scanning over the park to see if I could spot Izuku. As I was looking, your father pulled on my sleeve, not saying a word. I looked over at him, and he just pointed at Y/n. It took me a second to realize what he was showing me, but I eventually noticed it. Her eyes were glowing. That's when the crying started again. I looked over at your father, and his face was pale. It was almost as if he saw a ghost. Your dad then, very slowly, looked up, realizing where the crying was coming from. His eyes almost popped out of his head," Inko started to chuckle thinking of her estranged husband's face that day. "It took me a moment to realize what he was staring at. But when I did, I practically screamed. Izuku was about, 15-20 feet up in the air. I didn't know what to do. Izuku was too big at this point for me to use my quirk on him, and your father's quirk was no help in this situation. I was about to call the police or the fire station, but as soon as I started looking for my phone, Hisashi put a hand on my arm stopping me. I looked at him like he was crazy, but the look in his eyes told me that he knew what to do, so I trusted him and put my phone away."

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